Azerbaijan news

“There is no real threat to Azerbaijan from Iran” |

Sulhaddin Akbar: “Azerbaijan He is not interested in the escalation of relations with Iran”

Iran lands as a result of the Second Karabakh War free Although the official congratulated Baku on the fact that it was made, in the past two years, it can be seen that Tehran was not at all satisfied with this fact in its practical steps.
Azerbaijan From the steps and statements against the Zangezur Corridor project, which he declared a priority after the war, to the SEPAH Azerbaijan Azerbaijani experts perceive training on their borders as an open threat.

If the SEPAH’s previous training Azerbaijan officials, including the president Inspiration From Aliyev protest If there was a reaction, the official regarding the exercises currently being held at the borders Baku prefers to remain silent.
Trainings in time and occupied lands free coincides with the second year of its creation. Iran not satisfied with that, on the second anniversary of the installation of the Azerbaijani flag on the Khudafar bridge (October 18), he held a part of the exercises in that border area. SEPAH, going a little deeper, in the background of Khudafarin bridge To Azerbaijan made a threatening video.

In addition, Iranian journalists on their “Telegram” channels of these exercises To Azerbaijan they declare that it is a warning.

Photo: Telegram

Part of the training was devoted to the construction of pontoon bridges for the army to cross the river. Considering that the other side of the river is Azerbaijan, it can be assumed that the purpose of the exercises is the existence of plans to cross the river and enter the territory of the country.

Many experts who are currently following the events have one question – Iran what is he preparing for?

“From the side of Iran To Azerbaijan there is always danger”

Commenting on the issue for Meydan TV Free Chairman of the Democratic Party Sulhaddin Akbar said that he does not hide his desire for the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali religious leader the presidentthe Minister of Foreign Affairs, said from time to time at the level of individual military personnel.

“Tehran’s request is concrete, they don’t want the Zangezur corridor to be opened. Because this opening Azerbaijan strengthening, Baku– It will lead to closer relations with Ankara and further activation of the Organization of Turkic States. Also, a strong example will emerge for Iranian Turks. From this point of view, Iran considers the opening of the Zangezur Corridor a threat to the unity of the state,” he said.

He believes that if the corridor will be opened AzerbaijanCentral Asian states, Turkey and China’s need for Iran will decrease.

According to Sulhaddin Akbar, Tehran uses Armenia to circumvent sanctions, which include smuggling, drug trafficking and others.

“Especially, the Revolutionary Guards are more aggressive in this issue than when they lead the drug trade. Because there is international control over the territory, they will not be able to move freely as before,” said Sulhaddin Akbar.

He believes that there is always a threat to Azerbaijan from Iran.

“In general, Iran considers the existence of Azerbaijan as a threat to its state existence. First of all, Iran considers Azerbaijan’s existence a threat to itself. Second, he considers the secular state a threat to his theocratic regime. Also, the democratic election is a threat to Tehran from the point of view of foreign vector development,” said the party chairman.

According to him, since Azerbaijan has an open policy, Turkey USAof Israel and Europe The development of the Union in this region creates certain risks for Tehran. Sulhaddin Akbar believes that anxiety will gradually increase due to these factors.

“But since Azerbaijan is still located in the geopolitical sphere of Russia, Iran will not take drastic action. Apart from that, Azerbaijan NATOin Turkey has such a strong ally. Also Azerbaijan itself military in terms of security, it has become much stronger, it is not Azerbaijan in the 90s. That is, there is a potential threat, and it tends to materialize. At the same time, China, Israel, Great Britain and Europe The Union has an interest in the middle corridor. These factors largely neutralize the threat of Iran, but do not completely eliminate it,” he said.

As for the non-reaction of the Azerbaijani officials to these threats, Sulhaddin Akbar thinks that the official Baku As he is not interested in the escalation of relations with Iran, he prefers to remain silent.

“Giving an official statement also requires taking an official step. This will lead to tension and aggravation of relations. At the moment, Azerbaijan is not interested in this,” Sulhaddin Akbar believes.

“The leadership of Azerbaijan knows that Iran has put itself in great danger military operation will not start”

According to Zardusht Alizade, a political scientist commenting on the issue, the official Baku also understands that if Tehran uses any force, it will cause a lot of pain, so Azerbaijan ignores these actions of Iran.

“Iran is currently in a situation where it knows that it needs to be very careful. Many forces “gnash their teeth” at Iran and “chew the chain” from this regime. Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran should behave cautiously. They believe that the nerves of the Azerbaijani leadership are weak or they are afraid. On the contrary, the leadership of Azerbaijan is not afraid. Azerbaijan knows that Iran has put itself in great danger military will not start operation. There are two very serious factors that prevent Iran from using force against Azerbaijan: the first is the Azerbaijanis in Iran, and the second is Israel,” the political scientist said.

Zaradusht Alizadeh
Zaradusht Alizadeh. Photo:

Zaradusht Alizade is sure that Azerbaijan does not face any real threat from Iran. The political scientist attributes the fact that the country’s officials have not made a statement against Iran because they are experienced politicians.

“If they were lightweight politicians, they would definitely “muddy the water” by making meaningless statements. But the government understands that it is not the place to make a statement,” Zardusht Alizade said.

Azerbaijan news

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