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How do supermarkets make you spend more money? |

The average UK shopper goes to the supermarket 221 times a year. Every trip to the market is an opportunity to throw products that we don’t need into our basket. But why do we do it?

To understand this, you need to step into the carefully managed marketing departments of supermarkets, where millions are spent to find ways to sell more.

The way products are placed affects the increase in sales. Have you ever seen a box of chocolates when you entered the checkout line?flour did you notice

Placing sweets and magazines towards the exit increases their sales. This strategy is especially effective on children.

A survey conducted in Britain shows that 83 percent of parents are pressured by their children to buy junk food while waiting at the checkout, and 75 percent are forced to buy it.

Eggs and bread Are you looking for staple foods?

Have you ever walked into the grocery store just to buy milk and left with a five-pack? Some supermarkets sell milk, bread as basic food they place their products in parts far from the entrance. So, as you progress towards the goal, you encounter many other products.

They also place these products far from each other.

Sometimes the egg is hidden at the very end of the store. The egg hunt makes you go around the whole supermarket. Spending more time means spending more money.

Discounts are last

Freebies and special discounts are usually placed towards the end as they are more visible.

30 percent of people say they are more likely to buy discounted items when they are at the end rather than in the middle.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are usually placed at the entrance of supermarkets.

Because it’s healthy food buying boosts people’s mood and makes them feel better than thinking about buying harmful products.

Pricing strategies

Everyone loves to buy discounted products.

According to research by research firm Kantar, 40 per cent of grocery shopping in Britain is take-away sales.

But can consumers really shop at a good price?

Incentive to buy more

Buying two cakes for 4 lira is not an opportunity, it’s just a bill.

But if a cake is 3 pounds and two are 4 pounds, it’s a good bargain.


Most of the customers, approx. 20 has information on the price of the main product.

These products are usually sold at very low prices, but other products are expensive.

Are supermarkets manipulating us into spending more?

Smell has a strong link with memories, and supermarkets support the impulse to buy by reviving good memories through smell.

The smell of freshly baked bread reminds you of tandoori, and you see that you left the market with pretzels in hand.

Supermarkets feast your eyes with colorful foods and gift items as far as the eye can see.

Premium products are at eye level.

Cornflakes for kids can be on the lower shelves. When kids make eye contact with the images on the packaging, they bond with them and want to buy more.

Music played in supermarkets affects your shopping habits.

For example, music with a calm rhythm makes you spend more time in the market. This means buying more products.

Some supermarkets have small tiles on their floors. So you think you’re going fast and slow down.

Music also affects what you buy. Studies show that classical music makes you buy more expensive wines. French music focuses on French wines.

Less money five tips for spending

  • Make a list and stick to it
  • Set a budget in your mind
  • Spend cash only
  • Hunger Don’t shop when you are
  • Try shopping online

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