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Putin’s ‘homosexual relations’ decision! A detail that caught the attention of the United States “Dangerous” |

Russia President Vladimir Putin Russia made a critical decision on “gay-sexual relations”. Signed by Putin decree homosexual relations in the country Russia included destructive ideas and values ​​for the society. Details of the remarkable decree in Russia…

Signed by Putin, which contains the foundations of the state policy on the preservation and strengthening of traditional moral values decree Published on the State Legal Information Portal of Russia.

According to the decree, it was emphasized that the traditional values ​​that allow preserving and strengthening the sovereignty of Russia and ensuring the unity of the multi-ethnic and multi-faceted country are the basis of the Russian society.

Declaring that Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism are an integral part of Russian history and spiritual heritage, the decree states that the traditional values ​​of Russia are protected by extremist and terrorist organizations, some mass information it was stated that the means were threatened by the activities of conservatives. USA and other unfriendly foreign nations.


Massive information In the decree on the use of means and state bodies as a means to protect, strengthen and spread traditional values, “non-traditional sexual relations” were included in the list of destructive ideas and value systems for Russian society.

It was also pointed out that encouraging these homosexual relationships would destroy the traditional family structure. (AA)

Translation“24 HOURS”

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