Azerbaijan news

Algish Musayev threatened the complaining journalist through a lawyer

Editor-in-chief Algish Musayev sent collective members to the court en masse to speak against their colleagues

10 on November 2022, journalist Qashgay Ziyaddinoglu (Gashgay Ziyaddin oglu Ramazanov) New Azerbaijan Party (MAKE) official press agency “Yeni Azerbaijanagainst the newspaper court based on his claim, the next preparatory meeting was held under the chairmanship of Ayten Novruzova, judge of the Narimanov District Court.

In the statement released by Qashgay Ziyaddinoglu for the media, it is noted that “New AzerbaijanAlgish Musayev, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, sent almost half of the staff to the court to testify falsely at the preparatory meeting. Held by A. Musayev at the preparatory meeting attorney At first, the plaintiff began to be threatened: “These are your good days yet.” Then the statements of the witnesses sent by A. Musayev on purpose and trying to create tension were heard, and the documents related to the case were presented to the court.

Later, the journalist said, “New Azerbaijan” based on his claim against the newspaper court The review meeting of the process is scheduled for November 30, 2022.

Recall that court claim of Qashgay Ziyaddinoglu’s illegal dismissal free was filed due to the fact that the claimant was reinstated to work by the defendant, mandatory the full payment of wages for the period of layoff, as well as the end 10 demands additional compensation due to the fact that his professional activity was hindered and his business reputation was damaged during the month.

For information, let us also inform you that a well-known journalist, political Qashgay Ziyaddinoglu, Doctor of Philosophy National 20 in connection with the 145th anniversary of the press20-in President Inspiration Mass in Azerbaijan by order of Aliyev information was awarded the “Progress” medal for his services in the development of vehicles.

Azerbaijan news

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