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Will the buyer pay more for Halal? – PHOTO |

Food new requirements regarding label information (branding) of products have been defined. These requirements will come into force on January 1. “Food on safety” according to the new rules added to the law, on the label of the product food effects or properties that are not specific to the product should not be indicated. Because placing false information on a food product may result in deceiving consumers, thereby violating their rights.

For example, it will be forbidden to name food products as “medicinal” or “dietary”. Thus, it will not be allowed to give information about the product’s prevention of human diseases, or its medicinal properties, or mention statements that create such an impression on the label of any food product.

But I wonder how this process will be regulated? New law will it affect the price of the products?

Making a statement on the subject Free According to Eyyub Huseynov, Chairman of the Consumers Union, people are deceived by the information written on the product:

“The law on food products states how food products should be labeled. Manufacturers write certain appeals to deceive consumers. No one controls this either. They write on it that it is for diet, it is good for diseases. It is written on the cinnamon product that it cures 13 diseases. They are deceiving consumers with claims. Shops also have diabetes counters. It sells products that are harmful to diabetes. It is written on it that it is good for diabetes. All these issues will be resolved.”

E. Huseynov noted that according to the information on the products, an official paper should be issued:

“One of the serious issues is branding. It is also not true that imported goods are sold in boxes. It leads to consumer deception. It is written on the sausages that there is no pork in it. The composition is not the same as what is written on it.

Branding will be strictly controlled. In fact, official paper should be provided for inscriptions on the product. It will be prevented from writing information on the goods that have not been experimented with the product. So far, most have been informal. In particular, Iran there is a problem with their goods”.

Economist-expert Rashad Hasanov noted that sometimes there is unverified and uncertified information on products for the purpose of promotion:

“Here we are talking about limiting the methods of providing information related to information and advertising in the direction of protecting consumer rights. Previously, the term “halal” was written. After the official certification of the removal of the expression, the legal framework for putting labels was formed. In order to present the data, concrete results of laboratory expertise activities are needed. It cannot be left to any one person. Incorrect information cannot be used as a market tool.”

R. Hasanov added that he does not think that the new law will affect the price:

“It is not known whether it will affect the price. If in that legislation only “diet” etc. are used when various certificates are obtained. Of course, this certification itself can create a cost burden if conditions are to be created for the use of statements. Since this cost burden is one-time, the cost impact will not be very large. It will also depend on the certificate, the cost burden, and the circulation of the presented product. Therefore, I don’t think it will affect the price significantly. This issue is aimed at providing correct information to consumers. The composition will be adapted to the legislation, control will be strengthened.” (

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