Azerbaijan news

In short, great! The James Webb Space Telescope captures an “Hourglass” in space

The James Webb Space Telescope remains our eye in space. The Webb telescope, which will shed light on our past, has already left us speechless with many of the images it captured. The world’s largest and most powerful space telescope, the James Webb Telescope, presented a visual feast with its latest image. The latest image taken by the James Webb Space Telescope USA National Shared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

In the latest image captured by James Webb, the image of a dark cloud called L1527 and at its core approx 10It was able to capture the light emitted from a “still very young” protostar (protostar) that is 0,000 years old. Note that L1527 is about 460 light-years away from Earth and stretches 0.3 light-years across.

This is due to the shape of the light emitted by the protostar. In other words, it is called an hourglass because of the shape of the light emitted by the first star.

Translation“24 HOURS”

Azerbaijan news

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