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last minute | Erdogan’s proposal from Russia green light! Assad’s statement drew attention… “We are extremely positive” |

End news: Turkey while wondering whether there will be a meeting between Syria and Russia, a remarkable claim came. President It was said that Erdogan’s proposal for a tripartite meeting on Syria was warmly welcomed by Russia.

According to the UAV, Russia Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that the Moscow administration the president Recep Tayyip Erdogan TurkeySyria and Russia views the idea of ​​a tripartite meeting between its leaders as “extremely positive”.

Erdogan While returning from Turkmenistan, while answering the questions of journalists, he expressed his proposal for a tripartite meeting for Syria with these words:

“Currently Syria-TurkeyRussia we want to take a step as a trio. For this, first our intelligence agencies meet, then our defense ministers, then our foreign ministers meet. After their meetings, we leaders will come together. I do this to Mr. Putin offer i did He looked at it positively. Thus, we will start a series of negotiations.”

USAregarding the allegations that he did not view the meeting with Asad positively Erdogan said the following:

“So you still haven’t met your president. I do not know from whom, when and how to meet with someone’s permission. I had a meeting with the Egyptian president in Qatar. I didn’t get permission from anyone. The decisive factor in the steps we will take regarding Syria national we will have interests. Safe in Syria.” This is one of the steps we will take as part of the measures we will take against the terrorist organization from the region.”

Translation“24 HOURS”

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