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Supporters of the terrorist organization PKK have turned the streets of Paris into a battlefield

An armed attack that resulted in the death of 3 people in Paris, the capital of France protest supporters of the terrorist organization PKK carried out violent acts.

Thousands of supporters of the terrorist organization PKK gathered at Republic Square in Paris at around 14:00 CEST.

On Tremple Boulevard near the square, the attackers chanted slogans of support for the terrorist organization PKK, and held a photo of the leader of the terrorist organization Abdullah Öcalan and pieces of cloth symbolizing the PKK.

Terrorists tore up paving stones and threw them at police, nearby houses and shops.

The attackers, most of whom covered their faces with masks, and turned the stage into a battlefield with fireworks and lightning, destroyed the bus stops. Many civilians are supporters of the terrorist organization car and turned the motorcycle upside down and set it on fire.

The attackers broke the windows and mirrors with sticks and made the vehicles useless. The fact that the police used tear gas to restrain the attackers from time to time drew attention.


Arriving at the scene yesterday interior minister Gerald Darmanin strikerflour said that there is no accurate information about the right-wing extremist, “Although the attacker deliberately targeted foreigners, it cannot be said that Kurds were specifically targeted.” had appreciated.

Parisin after Darmani’s speech at the scene yesterday 10Claiming that the attack in the district was against them, the pro-PKK terrorist group attacked the police in the area and damaged vehicles and shops on the street.


At least 6 were killed in the incident where the police responded with tear gas to the attackers the police It was reported that his employee was injured.

On Enghien Street yesterday France According to the first reports, 3 people were killed and 3 people were injured, one of them seriously.

In the French press, “William M.” The 69-year-old attacker, suspected of having committed the incident, was taken into custody at the scene. French official iron of the attacker way company retired from SNCF France it was stated that he is a citizen.


In the news, the attacker tried to kill twice in 2016 and 2021, the police there is also information that it is mentioned in the records. (AA)

Translation“24 HOURS”

Azerbaijan news

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