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The square that is viral in the world! An Indonesian woman pretended to be dead to avoid paying her debt… See how it happened |

The actions of an Indonesian woman to avoid paying her debt have spread around the world. Liza Dewi Pramita, who borrowed money from a person named Maya Gunavan but did not pay, pretended to be dead. The woman who shrouded herself and put cotton on her nose was her daughter at that moment Facebook shared on his account.

FacebookLiza, who wrote the note “Died in a road accident” under the photo she shared, also posted moments showing her being taken away on a stretcher to add more reality to the tragicomic event. .

Maya, who was unable to get her money back, said that she was very sad and begged for mercy after seeing these photo frames, but she was suspicious when she read that Lisa would be buried in Aceh Tamiang, a little way from where she lived. He said that when he examined the photos more closely, it did not look like a dead person.

As Maya continues to look through photos of Lisa, she sees a photo of the stretcher carrying the body Googlesearched for His suspicions were confirmed when he saw that the image was taken from another website.


Lisa’s child also admitted that what happened was a game after the incident was revealed and explained that everything was nonsense. Maya, who lost her money to Lisa, says that since then she still hasn’t been able to reach her and she still hasn’t gotten her money back.

Translation“24 HOURS”

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