Azerbaijan news

What worries Syrians today? |

2023-01-05 09:00:00

The only party absent from the map and its interaction is the Syrian people, the owner and subject of the work.

Russia, Turkey and defense ministers of the Assad regime in Moscow after the tripartite meeting held and the emerging ideas and initiatives, Turkeyof Assad regime Syria’s reaction to the developments in the normalization dossier deserves to be evaluated.

The most important aspect of this reaction was the confirmation that Syrians are against reconciliation with the regime after all the disasters and calamities they have suffered at the hands of the regime.

SyriaThis was also confirmed by the slogans of the participants in the demonstrations organized by the Syrians in the territories controlled by Turkey in the northwest of Turkey.

The peaceful demonstrations and slogans of Syrians are the right of the organizers and participants of the demonstrations and no one has the right to discuss it.

Moreover, these demonstrations of Syrian opposition leaders National on Coalition and Negotiations Ali It could be a necessary step after the dead silence in the commission.

Syrian opposition leaders not only refrained from commenting on the events and developments surrounding the Syrian file, but also refrained from analyzing what happened and its impact on the Syrian issue, saying what Syrians should and should do to make progress in their cause. should be done to minimize the worst possible events.

Turkey’s normalization process with the Assad regime with the support of Russia, the silence of the opposition and the failure to do its part have created a wide and deep atmosphere of anger.

This atmosphere is especially in the northeast, where armed organizations are a stronghold. Tahrir al-Sham delegationLife, economic and social it was effective among the Syrians who suffered the most from their situation, who were between the extremism of Turkey and the threats of the regime, who were afraid of what the normalization process of Turkey with Assad could lead to. .

All these factors have led to the gathering of immense anger among the Syrians.

Indeed, what Syrians in general, and those living in Turkish-controlled areas in particular, need is an approach and effort that goes beyond the anger that has been so prominent in the behavior and response of the Syrian people’s movement.

This is not only because anger can quickly cool down, and with other emotions such as despair and frustration substitute It’s a wave of emotions that can happen (this is normal).

In addition, anger does not solve problems and claims. In particular, the internal situation and external relations, such as the Syrian issue, are becoming quite complicated and are managed by wise minds, sharp eyes, careful and calm methods, which require more and more skills and experience.

All this prompts Syrians to look for new leaders for the next stage, to give them a great vote of confidence, to stand behind them by supporting and implementing them.

In this way, Syrians can protect themselves from the possibilities of the next phase by creating the groundwork for or leading to a solution for Syria.

There are many indications that there are regional and international intentions to move in this direction, although some of their content or details may differ.

It goes without saying that anger will not bring any solution in such a process. Because anger not only prevents the achievement of practical results, it creates mistakes instead of these results.

One of these mistakes is the Syrians’ anger, hasty steps, hasty policies, desperate leaders looking for any role for themselves, etc. agenda holders. This is how the Syrians have reached today’s situation.

If the Syrians do not release their anger and political and if they do not take practical steps to organize their situation, they will provide the other parties with an opportunity to act in their absence or desperate silence.

In the context of the above, two levels of policy will follow each other. First, the local policies implemented by opposition leaders who have proven to be beyond their mission, the de facto authorities established by the Assad regime east of the Euphrates and the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces), armed groups in the northwest, and power such as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

Most, if not all, of these will find (whether voluntarily or under duress) points of consensus that they will avoid losing.

We are talking about the regional and international foreign level, especially under Moscow IranTurkey opportunities to align interests, agree on what can be achieved, and work to cultivate difficult-to-negotiate terms. will continue in the future.

To achieve all this political and military pressures, wars and conflicts are necessary. Some of the conflicts and wars will take the form of wars aimed at changing the map of conflicts in and around Syria.

Perhaps the first and fiercest battles will be fought in the northwestern region. The reason is that there are many powers that represent and guide it unit In the absence of a single power, competition between these powers for control within and within the region is fierce.

Similar conflicts and wars will occur in or around the other two regions in the North-West region.

East of the Euphrates, the situation will seriously heat up both internally and externally. Although the direct involvement of America at the foreign level weakens the possibility of conflicts and wars to have decisive results, wars and conflicts can be observed at the domestic level due to the existing contradictions between local parties.

Translation“24 HOURS”

Azerbaijan news

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