Azerbaijan news

US Special envoy for Iran held talks with Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan

The US Special envoy for Iran, Abram Paley, made a regional visit to the capitals of the South Caucasus.

In Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan, he held meetings and talks with senior officials, where he discussed sanctions against Iran.

“A constructive trip to the South Caucasus, where I met with senior officials and representatives of the private sector to discuss the Iranian regime, compliance with sanctions and efforts to eliminate the destabilizing actions of this regime,” Paley wrote on his account at the X platform.

Recall that in Baku Paley met with Presidential adviser for Foreign Policy Hikmet Hajiyev, Deputy Foreign Minister Samir Sharifov, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Iran Ali Alizadeh and Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan George Deek.–

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