Azerbaijan news

Sheikh Allahshukur Pashazade expressed condolences to Iranian leader Ali Khamenei

The head of the Caucasus Muslim Board, Sheikh Allahshukur Pashazade, sent a message to Iranian leader Ali Khamenei on the occasion of the death of the Iranian president. “The news of the tragic death of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and his entourage in a helicopter crash deeply shocked me.

We express our deepest condolences to you, the families and loved ones of the victims and the entire Iranian people on behalf of the Muslims of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus,” the message reads. Ibrahim Raisi was an outstanding statesman who served his country selflessly and devotedly. “The memory of President Raisi, who spared no effort to develop Iranian-Azerbaijani relations and deepen friendly good-neighborly relations, will always live in our hearts,” the message reads.

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