
The Education Trade Union will cooperate with VDI: it will seek to determine the extent of psychological violence in Lithuanian schools

“Lithuanian teachers, unlike representatives of many other professions, face three types of psychological violence. We examined cases where teachers are psychologically abused by school management. There are cases when teachers use psychological violence against each other. Well, the most growing trend is when teachers face violence from students and their parents,” emphasizes the chairman of LŠMPS Egidijus Milesin.

“The education sector is one of the areas where the problem of psychological violence is particularly relevant. It is important to share experiences and information about the challenges of preventing psychological violence in the education sector in order to take solutions. Therefore, we agreed to invite representatives of cooperating countries to the organized meetings, seminars, conferences and discussions. In addition, as far as possible, we will carry out joint activities in order to jointly solve the problems of psychological violence in the education sector”, says the Chief State Labor Inspector of the Republic of Lithuania Jonas Gricius.

In the near future, LŠMPS plans to start a study, which will aim to determine the actual level of psychological violence in Lithuanian educational institutions. Later, in the fall of this year, it is planned to hold an event where the main issue – psychological violence in the education sector – will be raised, according to a press release.

“At the beginning of next year, we plan to start an educational campaign. The information we have allows us to assume that psychological violence in the education sector is a very sensitive problem, so we must find out the real situation and take action, not only eliminating psychological violence, but also preventing new cases of it”, says E. Milešinas.

Aynura Imranova

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