
Pinskus: There is no more regional politics in Lithuania

According to him, the Party of Regions remained the only political force “which has not yet betrayed traditional values.”

“The huge potential (…) in the districts is not used. No infrastructure is developed here, no jobs are created. Not only bridges and roads are collapsing, but libraries, culture centers, hospitals are being destroyed. If the situation is better somewhere, it is only thanks to the dedicated and exceptionally capable local government representatives”, said J. Pinskus at the party convention taking place on Sunday.

“We remain, perhaps, the only political force in Lithuania that has not betrayed the basic values ​​and basic provisions of the program,” said the politician.

He told fellow party members that there is no regional politics in Lithuania “at all”.

“After all, under the guise of bloody (…) aggression against Ukraine, the situation is being speculated on, and life inside the country is messed up.” It is disguised as pseudo-reforms, but in fact it can be seen that they are all going to waste and there is no regional policy at all,” said the politician of the Party of Regions working in the parliament.

He taught that due to the “arrogance and detachment from the concerns of many people” and “harmful geopolitical decisions” of the rulers, “energy and economic turmoil” arose in Lithuania, “practically ruined” “Lithuanian railways”, Klaipėda portLifosa“, other state-owned enterprises.

The cabinet of ministers, the politician said, lacks “not only competence, but also conscience, transparency, basic humanity”.

“Very often, one even gets the impression that they do not talk to each other, do not coordinate their positions and do not even understand what spheres of state life they are responsible for,” criticized the representatives of the opposition in the Seimas.

“Most of our people do not demand exceptional conditions, do not entertain strangers and do not dream of castles or yachts. They just want to live, earn in their homeland and feel comfortable here. And not to be turned into hostages of bureaucrats, whose arrogance sometimes surpasses even the former serf lords, imagining that everyone who turns to him (…) is his subordinate”, J. Pinskus taught criticism to those in power.

At the same time, Mr. Pinskus emphasized that the Party of Regions will be better than ever prepared for next year’s elections in Lithuania, has significantly improved its financial situation, and the number of party members is also consistently growing.

According to him, there are already 5.8 thousand members in the party. members, 2024 in the elections, it will dispose of approximately 273 thousand. euro budget.

According to him, as early as 2021 the party had a negative 71 thousand. EUR balance, and there were about 3 thousand in the party. members.

“We will be much more prepared for the next election marathon than before,” said J. Pinskus.

Next year, the Party of Regions plans to “strongly and sincerely” prepare for next year’s European Parliament, Seimas and presidential elections.

The Lithuanian Party of Regions was established in 2018. in March, when due to quarrels in the ranks of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, some members separated from the political force. True, until 2021 the party was called Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party.

Currently, the Party of Regions of Lithuania is represented in the parliament by two members of the Seimas – J. Pinskus and Andrius Palionis.

Aynura Imranova

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