
Leaders of the Party of Regions: we support Varaška because we want to concentrate on other work

The chairman of the Party of Regions was newly re-elected Jonas Pinskas he himself said that he intended to concentrate more on the internal processes of the party and that he felt “in his place” in this position.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Širvintos district Živile Pinskuviene, J. Pinskus said, plans to continue his political career gradually, starting with membership in the European or national parliament. For her part, she herself claims that she never intended to run for the post of the country’s leader, and she has not revealed her ambitions in national politics.

“There are three elections and, for example, putting everything on Pinskuviene would be too difficult. And the responsibilities are huge. The President’s responsibility to run the country is huge.

Živile’s decision was as follows: “as the mayor of the municipality, I would like to grow gradually, so my first goal should be European Parliament or Seimas. And if everything is fine with health and wishes, maybe in five years, to run for office (for president – ELTA).” I support her decision,” Mr. Pinskus said to Elta on Sunday after the Party of Regions convention.

“We are not basing our vision on what will happen tomorrow, but on what will happen in 5 years,” he said.

In turn, Ž. Pinskuviene said that for Lithuania a party-backed president is needed, and M. Varaška is a long-time acquaintance.

“For now, we are thinking about how to correctly, beautifully and clearly, attractively present the president’s program in a language that people understand, to convey to them the message that the president in Lithuania must have a party.

We see that if the president is alone, it is very difficult for him to mobilize political forces. I am very glad that M. Varaška agreed. We have known each other for many decades and I am happy that he will represent the Party of Regions of Lithuania”, said Ž. Pinskuvienė.

The politician who refused to participate in the presidential elections at the Party of Regions convention held on Sunday assured that she had never considered it.

“I never even considered that possibility. Maybe such news would spread in the public space, but I never considered it,” she assured.

However, when asked, the politician did not reveal her ambitions in national politics.

On Sunday Party of Regions decided that he would not nominate a party candidate for the presidential elections, but would support the mayor of Kazlų Rūda, M. Varaškas.

The branches of the Party of Regions also raised J. Pinskaus, Ž. The candidacies of Pinskuvienė, former army commander and party candidate for mayor of Vilnius city Valdas Tutkaus and member of the Seimas Andrias Palionos. All of them refused to participate.

M. Varaška: I see a disappearing state

M. Varaška announced on her social network that she will take part in the presidential elections next May facebook posted on the account on Sunday morning.

“I will take part in the presidential elections of the Republic of Lithuania. I have reasonable proposals for the future of society and the state. I don’t intend to delay,” M. Varaška posted on the social network.

According to the mayor of Kazlų Rūda, he decided to run for office because he misses changes from the current top leaders of the state.

Eltai M. Varaška said that she would propose effective solutions tested in local government in national politics.

“I see the state as disappearing, losing its population, its economic power, demotivating taxpayers to work. We have real methods in the municipality, tested, how to make that excel better, how to motivate residents.

Without any personal posturing and with respect to other candidates, we want to use that platform in these elections so that we can offer people, society solutions for common life,” said M. Varaška.

ELTA reminds that the new presidential elections of the Republic of Lithuania will be held in May 2024.

The Lithuanian Party of Regions was established in 2018. in March, when due to quarrels in the ranks of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, some members separated from the political force. True, until 2021 the party was called Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party.

Currently, the Party of Regions of Lithuania is represented in the parliament by two members of the Seimas – J. Pinskus and A. Palionis.

Aynura Imranova

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