
STT appeal to the Ministry of Environment: this would have irreversible consequences for the most beautiful places in Lithuania

There have been several situations in Lithuania, when taking advantage of the opportunity to rebuild a homestead in the reserve, difficult to explain situations arise, when witnesses testify about the era when they were only 3 years old. In order to find homesteads that never existed, “black” archaeologists are also used, who find fragments and state that there were former homesteads in that place.

Drawing attention to the fact that the reconstruction of former homesteads often turns into cases of fraud, A. Gedvilienė proposed to abandon the possibility of rebuilding homesteads in nature reserves altogether.

“Shouldn’t we be debating in general that restoration, like property restoration, has to end at some point? And there would be no more discussions, debates and described cases in the media. Very often it sounds like a village that was somewhere 200 years ago suddenly reappeared, there were grandchildren and great-grandchildren of witnesses. And again we are restoring some homesteads. Maybe it would make sense to end this process. That would be my proposal”, said the chairperson of the Environmental Protection Committee.

Aynura Imranova

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