
Survey: the “cheques” scandal undermined the confidence of the population in self-government

According to the research, when asked how the scandal that broke out in the spring affected their confidence in self-government, 47 percent. respondents indicated that the attitude towards local government has changed negatively. This was mostly said by residents over 50 years old, urban residents. In addition, more self-management was claimed by disappointed women than men.

Almost a third – 32 percent. of the survey participants – said that the “cheques” scandal did not affect their opinion – as much as they trusted or did not trust before, they still trust or do not trust now.

At that time, 3 percent respondents claimed that confidence in self-government has increased. According to the research, after the “cheques” scandal, 18-29 year olds grew more often. youth confidence in local self-government.

However, one tenth of the survey participants indicated that they had not heard anything about the scandal at all, and approximately 8.5 percent. did not answer the research question.

The joint Lithuanian and British market and public opinion research company “Baltic researchAugust 24 – September 5, 2023. conducted a representative survey of the Lithuanian population. 1016 Lithuanian residents (aged 18 and older) were interviewed, the study was conducted at 109 sampling points.

The margin of error for a sample of this size does not exceed 3.1 percentage points with a 95% confidence interval.

A number of municipalities came under the scrutiny of law enforcement after a scandal broke out in the spring regarding the possible abuse of office funds by politicians. Special Investigation Service (STT) has already started 12 pre-trial investigations regarding the municipalities of Vilnius city, Kaunas city, Kaunas district, Šiauliai city, Neringa, Mažeikiai, Šilutė, Pagėgiai, Ignalina, Jonava, Lazdijai, Alytus district.

Aynura Imranova

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