
The information campaign of the referendum on dual citizenship will start in October: the CEC hopes that it will be clearer for the residents

Chairperson of the CEC: many expectations are placed on the information campaign organized by the Government

CEC Chairperson Lina Petronienė admits that the wording of the referendum on multiple citizenship is written in legal language, so it may be difficult for some of the citizens who will participate in the vote to understand it.

She draws attention to the fact that next year’s referendum will propose to approve the amendment of Article 12 of the Constitution, confirming the following wording: “Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania is acquired at birth and on other grounds and procedures established by the constitutional law. The constitutional law also establishes the grounds and procedure for the loss of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania”.

Therefore, the chairperson of the CEC emphasizes, the effectiveness of the information campaign organized by the Government, which will begin in October, is very important if the residents who came to the referendum really understand the essence of this issue.

“In order to make it clearer to the voters, so that they understand the importance of the issue, the Government is authorized to carry out a communication campaign. This campaign should explain why this issue is important for all of us and what would happen if it was approved in the referendum”, said the chairwoman of the CEC to Elta.

According to L. Petronienė, it is very important for the country’s residents to understand that this referendum aims to create opportunities to preserve Lithuanian citizenship.

“We should talk to the residents about the fact that, after the referendum, it would be possible to preserve Lithuanian citizenship, which is acquired on the basis indicated – when we are born, we all acquire citizenship, and when certain life changes occur, if we acquire the citizenship of another state, so that we can still preserve it under certain conditions “, she emphasized.

“We hope that when the communication campaign starts, voters will have more clarity,” she added.

The Chairperson of the CEC also admits that there is less and less time left before the referendum. And this poses even more challenges.

“Especially knowing how much voter turnout is needed, how many votes are needed to make a decision, it’s really a very big challenge,” said L. Petronienė.

In order for the referendum to be considered to have taken place, it is necessary that at least 50% of citizens participate in it. citizens with the right to vote. Meanwhile, in order to approve the amendment of the article of the Constitution, it is necessary to collect 50%. “yes” from all the votes of the voters.

D. Asanavičiūtė: the question is whether it will be possible to reach every person

Conservative member of the Seimas Dalia Asanavičiūtė also admits that there are still a lot of fears about whether the public will be informed about the referendum and whether the required number of voters will participate in it. Therefore, according to her, many hopes are placed on the information campaign prepared by the Government and starting in October.

“Obviously there are a lot of fears, the question of how to reach all the people. This, again, puts a lot of responsibility on the strategic communication department of the Government Chancellery, which prepares that informational message,” said D. Asanavičiūtė to Eltai.

The politician emphasizes that in order to spread this issue to people throughout Lithuania, it is intended to include the country’s municipalities in the information campaign.

“He also promised Association of Lithuanian Municipalities, and municipalities to get involved, through their communication channels, to convey the message so that it reaches as many people as possible. And the mayor of Vilnius also promised at the meeting that he would use the channels so that the citizens of Vilnius could be reached as widely as possible,” informed the member of the Seimas.

“These are the promises that the communication campaign will take place much more widely than in 2019. But, again, the question is whether it will reach every person,” she said.

D. Asanavičiūtė also draws attention to the fact that the term “multiple citizenship” currently used in the public space may mislead voters a little. Therefore, according to her, the information campaign will aim to use the term “citizenship preservation”.

“What we have already discussed with the Government’s strategic communication department, what the conducted public opinion surveys also say, that nevertheless it is necessary to use the term “citizenship preservation” in the public space. As a result, all communication will be based on the narrative of preserving citizenship,” said the member of the Seimas.

“I encourage the politicians themselves to use the term preservation of citizenship, because many people simply use the term multiple citizenship, which is legally what it is. (…) But the narrative is exactly the preservation of citizenship”, D. Asanavičiūtė also noted.

in 2024 May 12 A mandatory referendum will be held in Lithuania on the amendment of Article 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, which regulates citizenship.

The Seimas, by its resolution, tasked the government or its authorized institution to inform the public about the importance of the issue presented in the referendum to the life of the State and the Nation during the referendum agitation period, using the funds of the state budget.

Currently, Article 12 of the Constitution stipulates that “Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania is acquired at birth and on other grounds established by law. Except for individual cases provided for by law, no one can be a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania and another state at the same time. The procedure for acquiring and losing citizenship is determined by law.”

Aynura Imranova

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