
The Party of Regions hopes to have its own faction in the Seimas of the next term

“In the Seimas elections, the main goal is to have your own faction, at least 7 members of the Seimas. Of course, there is more, 5 percent to climb over. And so that we have our own representatives in the EP, one or maybe two will be mentioned,” Mr. Pinskus told Elta on Sunday after the Party of Regions convention in Vilnius.

“The ambitions are high. I think that we can do that with a focused team,” the MP noted.

He notes that Party of Regions – unlike other political parties – is growing, the party’s financial possibilities are also optimistic. According to the politician, this political force will “definitely outgrow other parties”.

“Our party is growing the best structurally, we are climbing to the top, many new people are coming – maybe inexperienced, but young. I think that our prospects are good”, said J. Pinskus.

Jonas Pinskas

“And when you look at other parties – they are shrinking, shrinking, their structures are deteriorating. If there are no people, you can load any amount of money or ideas, but you will not achieve anything. And we just pay attention to people, to structure, to ideas. And financially, we will look better,” said the politician.

J. Pinskus said that as the elections are approaching, the party will, as before, advocate for the reduction of the social gap between the big cities and the regions of Lithuania.

“And, of course, we state everywhere that we are in favor of the traditional family,” the MP noted.

On Sunday, the Party of Regions convention was held, where J. Pinskus was re-elected as the chairman of the party. In his speech to fellow party members, he said that the party “will be much more prepared for the next election marathon”.

According to J. Pinskaus, the party already has 5.8 thousand. members, 2024 in the elections, it will dispose of approximately 273 thousand. euro budget.

The Party of Regions thus confirmed that it will support Mantas Varaškas, the mayor of Kazlų Rūda, in the presidential elections in May.

The Lithuanian Party of Regions was established in 2018. in March, when due to quarrels in the ranks of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, some members separated from the political force. True, until 2021 the party was called the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party.

Currently, the Party of Regions of Lithuania is represented in the parliament by two members of the Seimas – J. Pinskus and Andrius Palionis.

Aynura Imranova

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