
The post of the mayor of Alytus on Facebook caused a real storm: the general commissioner of the police reacted

“There is constant talk about the regions, how important it is to strengthen them, but words are very different from actions. Regions are bypassed and weakened. The ambition of the rulers to make another reform – the police reform – and abolish the Alytus County Chief Police Commissariat is worrying. They claim that Kaunas will take care of the criminogenic situation of Alytus and the safety of the residents. Really?”, N. Cesiulis asked a public question on the social network.

He also pointed out that Alytus is currently one of the safest cities in Lithuania.

“And what will happen after the reform?” Will it be safer in our city, will there be a faster response to events, maybe it will be easier for the residents, because pre-trial investigations will be coordinated from Kaunas? I doubt it,” the mayor expressed his fears.

The head of the Communication Department of the Police Department reacted to N. Cesiuli’s post on the social network on Facebook and wrote a response in the comment Ramūnas Matoniswho stated that “Alytus police will not need any Kaunas permits to respond to events and investigate crimes. Instead, when help is needed to solve a more serious crime, the locals will be assisted by the joint county force. One more thing – the current county police commissariat takes care of and is responsible for the entire county, after the implementation of the changes – the Alytus district police commissariat will be established, which will be responsible only for the city and the district, so it will be able to pay even more attention to the safety and prevention of the people of Alytus”.

Soon, the General Commissioner of the Police R. Požėla also made a public comment.

“Although my colleague Ramūnas Matonis commented on everything very accurately, I will add something from myself. Dear Mayor, exactly one year ago, our team came to you and very precisely and clearly laid out all the highlights regarding the change project. Since then, nothing has changed, the emphasis is the same – instead of the county police station, a police station would be established, which would serve only the city and the district and which would be an integral part of the Kaunas District Police. Districts, with all its quantitative and qualitative capabilities. The effect – there would be more quality and quantity in your city, that is, more service, more security”, wrote R. Požėla.


Aynura Imranova

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