
There are ruins and sabbats next to the educational trail

Elvyra from Plungis, who called the “Žemaitis” editorial office, said that as soon as she read this news, she set out to explore the educational trail together with her dog. And she was very disappointed not only by the new path that leads nowhere, but also by the “jungle” that grows next to it, hiding the ruins of unclear buildings, under which teenagers snort and smoke.

Secret abode of youth

Elvyra Plungiškė said that every evening after returning from work, she rushes to walk her dog Pupa. For these evening walks, he tries to choose a different route in order to diversify his outings and at the same time achieve the set goal of walking 10 thousand a day. steps.

“Yes, Pupa and Mudvi explore the city of Plunge every day, and the longer the distance, the better, they both like sports in the fresh air. So, without waiting for anything, I decided to check out the new educational trail near the “Saulė” gymnasium,” said the woman.

Unfortunately, our reader was disappointed because, as she said, she expected a longer section for the walk, more picturesque places, but she only found a few steps of stairs leading down to the water. And when she went down, she found herself in a sabbat covered with grass and bushes.

“Then let me ask, where is that oasis of peace?” Elvyra wondered.

Maybe the day will come when the northern coast of the Plunge Sea will also become an object of attraction, although for now the pictures there are not very pleasing to the eye.

Plungiškė was indignant that such a video is right next to the “Saulė” gymnasium, so it is natural that groups of students are circling around. How is it possible that no one pays attention to this abandoned place and does not clean up the overgrown bushes?

Elvyra said that after walking along the path a little further behind the gymnasium, among the trees and tall grass, she noticed an old dilapidated building, or rather, its remains with concrete slabs, between which several teenage girls bravely trod.

The woman said that she is sure that this secluded place is like a center of attraction for teenagers, where they run during breaks and after classes to hide from the eyes of the cameras and teachers watching the gymnasium area, so that they can smoke secretly. According to the interviewer, there is only one step before disaster in such ruins.

“As Pupa and I waded through the grass towards the ruins, I heard someone talking in the distance. We must have scared the two teenage girls who were there, because when we got closer they ran away. One of them even fell from the rush.”

The forest is not the precinct’s concern

After hearing Elvyra’s story, we first of all dialed the phone number of Paulius Miknis, a specialist in the local economy department of the Plungė district municipality. Care was taken to find out who owns the aforementioned ruins near the “Saulė” gymnasium and whether their owner is subject to the highest rate of real estate tax, which usually punishes all negligent persons.

However, it was not possible to find out the owner of the building. Mr. Miknys explained that, in order to get more detailed information about who owns the “skeletons” of this building and why they were left to the will of fate, our reader Elvyra should apply in writing to the Municipality administration and submit an official request.

“Without an official letter, we have no right to comment on anything, because otherwise we will break the law,” said the specialist. He also did not explain why this building was not included in the list of abandoned buildings taxed at the maximum real estate tax rate. But he kept repeating that without a written application, the Municipality will not move a finger…

We also interviewed Plungė town elder Dangirutė Jurkuvienė on that topic, we asked her who is responsible for the maintenance of the abandoned area near the “Saulė” gymnasium. The elder said that most of the mentioned territory is private property and belongs to the companies operating in the buildings of the former “Linų tyoks”. And the other territory of the green zone, stretching towards the Plunge Sea, is a forest.

“We have never taken care of this forest. I have only heard that after receiving funds from the participatory budget, the gymnasium installed an educational trail there, but the city council has not yet taken it over, so I cannot talk about its maintenance,” explained D. Jurkuvienė.

It is interesting that Dalia Uščinienė, director of the “Saulė” gymnasium, said that she did not know anything about the ruins near the gymnasium and about the schoolchildren who were drawn there to smoke. Perhaps after this article, both the gymnasium, the Municipality administration and the town hall will take a closer look at what is happening near the recently widely advertised new educational trail, and one day walking along it we will be able to enjoy another well-groomed corner of our city.

Aynura Imranova

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