
Landsbergis has not yet decided whether he will participate in the presidential elections

“So far, I haven’t received a request from the party secretariat asking me to confirm whether I will participate, so I still have some time to think about it,” G. Landsbergis told reporters in the Seimas on Tuesday.

“But as time goes on, I will think more and more intensively,” he added.

On Sunday, the branches of the Fatherland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) finished putting forward possible candidates for the presidential and European Parliament (EP) elections. Candidates were nominated by 70 sections of the Conservative Party.

The vast majority of TS-LKD party branches suggest that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyta, party chairman G. Landsbergiis, and Minister of Social Security and Labor Monika Navickieni take part in the presidential elections.

Landsbergis: after the end of the investigations into the behavior of D. Matulionis and E. Bajarūnas, the president will be informed about their results

In response to the remarks of the Presidency, that the head of the country Gitanas Nausėda has not yet received any official information about the official investigations being carried out regarding the ambassadors Daividas Matulionis and Eitvydas Bajarūnas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis emphasizes that there are no opportunities to get acquainted with this information yet. The minister assures that the president will be informed about their results after the investigations are completed.

“There are no opportunities to get to know each other, the investigation is still ongoing. This is an internal investigation, it is carried out by the administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these are matters carried out in an administrative manner. I may not know all the information either. Some I don’t have to know, for example, like people’s testimonies, which are often depersonalized,” G. Landsbergis told reporters in the Seimas on Tuesday.

“It is not surprising that other institutions, which are not directly involved in the management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, do not know about (information – ELTA) until the investigation has taken place,” he added.

The minister assures that the president will be informed about the activities of the ambassadors after the official investigations are over.

“I personally ensure that the president will be informed, I inform him as much as I can – as much knowledge as I have and which I think is necessary for his work. In the same way, I inform the Prime Minister and other people in the state for whom this is important, such as the members of the Seimas or the leadership of the Seimas”, said G. Landsbergis.

“After the investigations, all the information will be revealed to those people who need to know,” he assured.

Chief advisor to President Gitanas Nausėdas Asta Skaisgirytė says that the head of the country has not received official information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) that would allow raising questions about the suitability of ambassadors Daividas Matulionis and Eitvydas Bajarūnas to continue their duties. According to her, one gets the impression that the ministry itself does not have concrete evidence to distrust diplomats or criticize their behavior.

Doubts about the suitability of diplomats to continue their duties arose after the news portal delfi.lt announced that, according to sources, the MFA received complaints about possible mobbing and abuse of official position by E. Bajarūnas. oh D. Matulionisthe portal wrote, could not comply with the mandate of state institutions and weaken Lithuania’s negotiating position as the NATO summit approaches.

Although the head of the country repeated that he trusts diplomats, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova initiated official actions regarding ambassadors D. Matulionis and E. Bajarūnas. In addition, an audit of the representative funds of the embassy in London is carried out.

Aynura Imranova

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