
The Seimas approved the proposal to apply to the Constitutional Court regarding the compliance of the Istanbul Convention with the Constitution

61 members of the Seimas voted for this initiative, 8 against it, 9 MPs abstained.

The prime minister also urged to support the appeal to the Supreme Court Ingrid Šimonytė. The Prime Minister emphasized that this is important, because the interpretation of the CT would prevent a considerable part of speculations about the document’s contradiction to the Constitution.

“Until we take this step, we will live in speculation forever. Because if there is no such appeal, then there will certainly be many people who allow themselves to have an opinion about what is written in the Constitution, despite the frequent interpretation of the Constitutional Court, they will nevertheless use the opportunity to manipulate or say that something in this convention does not comply with the Constitution,” said I. Šimonytė.

“This does not ratify the convention in itself, it does not in any way make it valid in Lithuania. As a result, the Seimas should still decide separately and then it would be possible to discuss to what extent the text of the convention is acceptable or unacceptable to which part of the Seimas members”, she also emphasized.

The Prime Minister points out that the imprecise translation of the convention, which is currently being corrected, also gave a lot of fodder for speculation.

“A very important aspect of the discussions about this convention that did not take place very much is also related to the previous translation of this convention that did not take place very much, which is now clarified and which, in my opinion, reflects the essence of the convention much more clearly. I suggest to support the appeal, I suggest not to be afraid that CT will dispel doubts”, said I. Šimonytė.

Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen on Tuesday, he also emphasized to journalists that turning to the CT for clarification is a rational path, which some other states have also chosen.

“I really hope it will be enough. I presented this draft resolution myself, it is quite neutral, it is simply a step, turning to the Constitutional Court as an impartial arbiter, who will say whether those fears and doubts about the Istanbul Convention are justified,” V. Čmilytė-Nielsen told reporters in the Seimas on Tuesday.

“There are states that have followed this path – neighboring Latvia – and I think that this is a rational path, considering the fact that there is still no doubt and fear in society about this convention,” she added.

The draft resolution indicates that, with the approval of the Seimas, the CT would be asked to assess whether the Istanbul Convention – more specifically, the document’s norms related to the concept of social gender, violence against women, including information about non-stereotypical gender roles in educational programs – does not contradict the Constitution.

ELTA reminds that the non-governmental organizations asked the head of the parliament to turn to the Constitutional Court to assess the compliance of the Istanbul Convention with the Constitution.

Previously, the Presidency, assessing the perspective of the Istanbul Convention, which raises passions in society, indicated that this document was submitted to the Seimas for ratification in the previous term, therefore, according to Daukanta Square, the issue is in the hands of parliamentarians.

At that time, the European Parliament (EP) approved the initiative for the Community to join the Istanbul Convention aimed at preventing violence against women in mid-May.

Aynura Imranova

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