
Žemaitaitis claims to have founded a new party

“We plan to participate in all of them,” said R. Žemaitaitis to Eltai.

The politician did not want to reveal more details about the new political organization. On the other hand, he assured, political party is already established. According to him, this was done right after his membership in the Freedom and Justice party was suspended due to anti-Semitic remarks. This happened in May of this year.

“When my membership was suspended, I left the party and we founded our own party,” the politician claimed.

True, the Ministry of Justice claimed to Elta that it had no data that a new political force would be registered in Lithuania from the end of spring.

R. Žemaitaitis promises that he will provide more details about the allegedly founded party in the winter.

“I will inform you when we present the candidates. Everything is in place, the party is already established”, said the member of the Seimas and did not want to reveal the name of the political entity.

“I will tell you in December, we will deliver everything. There is a name, there are candidates, everything is already there,” said R. Žemaitaitis.

According to him, the candidates of the alleged party for the upcoming Seimas and European Parliament elections should also be approved in December.

“There will be a convention in December, we should approve the preliminary lists,” said the MP.

In turn, the potentially established party will decide on a candidate for the presidential election in 2024. at the beginning

“Information about the presidential elections will be available in January and February. Then it will be decided who it will be,” said R. Žemaitaitis, mysteriously hinting that 4 presidential candidates are already being ranked.

“There are 4 individuals ranked,” he noted.

ELTA reminds that R. Žemaitaitis outraged the international community with his anti-Semitic statements. The politician accused the Jews of having carried out the Lithuanian holocaust. The General Prosecutor’s Office has started a pre-trial investigation into the MP’s anti-Semitic statements. Condemning the statements of R. Žemaitaitis, the authorities began to initiate the impeachment of the MP. The special impeachment commission met for its first hearing last week.

R. Žemaitaitis caused a stir more than once with his statements on the Facebook social network. The politician shared a video about a school demolished near Bethlehem, Palestine, Israel and stated that “besides Putin, another animal appeared in the world – Israel.”

The embassies of Israel, Germany, the USA and the Netherlands and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) quickly reacted to R. Žemaitaitis’s statements, condemning the Seimas member’s statements and demanding a public apology.

Aynura Imranova

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