
A commotion near the famous Gulbinai quarter: the municipality showed what is happening on the lake shore

“To rest, to communicate, to rest. Soon there will be a recreation area conveniently accessible to the people of Vilnius on the shore of Lake Gulbin. We are already cleaning the territory and dry land, we are installing a wooden path, which you can use to come from the northern and southern sides”, the Vilnius City Municipality announced.

The photos she posted show how the wooden walkway is being installed. It can also be seen that the shore of the lake is filled with sand.

Works at the lake are carried out by the Vilnius city municipality company “Grinda”. The workers of the state forest office, in turn, remove dead and fallen trees.

Lithuanian business elite is located in Vilnius, in the famous Gulbinai quarter. Here, a plot of almost 15 ha of state land is leased to UAB “Gulbinų turizmas”. And at the same time, the state forest is also leased.

The forest should be open to the public. So, gates were installed in the plot fence. However, the Department of Environmental Protection recorded that one of the gates was locked. The investigation has already been completed and the environmentalists fined the offender only 10 euros.

The National Land Service, having received the conclusions of the Special Investigation Service and the Prosecutor’s Office, seeks to recover part of the plot leased by UAB “Gulbinų turizmas”. According to the service, too much forest in the Verkių Regional Park is leased to the business elite. However, the richest businessmen of Lithuania do not want to agree to this, so the case has now moved to the district court of the city of Vilnius.

Vilnius city municipality, for its part, seeks to register an easement on the plot so that the public can conveniently access the lake through the plot.

You can find the Delfi article about the kind of people who run this quarter by clicking here here.

The Vilnius city municipality, for its part, indicated that it will make sure that the citizens of Vilnius can comfortably walk to the Gulbin lake from the northern and southern sides. A wooden path about 250 m long is being built, a recreation area will also be created on the shore of the lake, grill areas with benches will be installed. To make it convenient for residents to walk, fallen tree branches, dry and fallen trees, and grass will be mowed.

Vilnius City Mayor Valdas Benkunskas had promised that the shore of the lake would be open to the public this year.

“We persistently sought to arrange and adapt the vacant state plot by Lake Gulbin for residents’ recreation. Despite the bureaucratic obstacles that have arisen, we are starting the work of opening the access to the lake. This kind of history cannot be repeated in Vilnius – I call on other institutions to not stop looking for a solution to the remaining problems related to the Gulbinai quarter,” said Vilnius City Mayor V. Benkunskas last week.

Vilnius residents will be able to access Lake Gulbin from the northern and southern sides. A 250 m long wooden path will be installed in the south. The width of the path will reach 1.2 m. There will be a true drainage membrane on the ground and then a wooden walkway structure placed over it. On the northern side, pruning of greenery will be carried out and thus a natural ground path, the length of which reaches about 800 m, will be arranged. The length of the whole trail will be about 1 km.

Most of the works will be carried out by the Vilnius city municipality company UAB “Grinda”, as well as a part of the works by the Nemenčinės regional branch of VĮ Valstyniai miško urėdijas, Neries Forestry. The works are planned to be completed within 1-2 months.

Aynura Imranova

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