
Reviewer: The Kremlin has already taken advantage of what happened between Poland and Ukraine

He said that usually such issues are tried to be solved by avoiding sharp angles and quietly.

“This issue of Ukrainian grain export is multifaceted. In a normal political situation, it is usually decided by the Ministers of Agriculture or Governments and quietly enough – they try to avoid sharp corners.

Such, let’s say, especially in the field of agriculture, misunderstandings between the EU and neighboring countries like Ukraine, such tensions are always there, they are full of them. It is known that they may or may not be exacerbated”, emphasized G. Mažeikis.

VMU professor G. Mažeikis also reminded that elections will be held in Poland very soon. And this changes the usual order of processes.

“And the ruling party definitely needs additional votes, which they hope to get precisely from the Polish peasants and farmers. You can’t be mad at them right now.

And here such a situation has arisen that the ruling Polish party in the election year absolutely needs to convince its farmers, they cannot do it quietly, as usually happens in such economic conflicts. Therefore, instead of this matter being agreed quietly, noise was made from it”, – G. Mažeikis shared his insights on the air of LNK.

Vladimir Putin

According to him, Ukrainian diplomacy could understand what is happening in Poland. And he doesn’t take a nap either Kremlin – he is actively using this situation for his own purposes, said G. Mažeikis.

“That noise, publicity and scandal are inevitable because elections are taking place. So, it was possible to do it more quietly. But the Ukrainians also made public moves. Then the presidents of Ukraine and Poland intervened and thus said one after another sharp sentence against each other.

And then the problems of translation and interpretation appeared. Of course, the Kremlin did not waste time taking advantage of this, showing the world that <...> if Poland considers Ukraine to be a sinkhole, of course, this is a wrong translation, then what is there to say at all. Europe, they say, recognizes that Ukraine is failing.

And since there are indeed symptoms of fatigue in Europe, that it is inevitable, then here we are starting to pour fire, to encourage this conflict. In order to Russia how can you get more diplomatic benefits”, said G. Mažeikis, interviewer of LNK midday news.

Watch the full LNK midday news interview with VDU professor G. Mažeikis here:

Aynura Imranova

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