
Valotka’s excuses no longer convince Kairis: it is strange to raise an older person like a child

Therefore, according to S. Kairys, the ministry will once again convene a commission to evaluate the statements of the head of the CPI.

“We will still assess what was said here, a commission will also be needed. In a legal sense, such statements are at the limit of a remark. But it would be necessary for the manager to understand that the work is basically no longer going on. We are engaged in some kind of interpretation of words, glossing over reactions, but we are not doing what we should be doing with this institution at all”, S. Kairys commented on the public words of the head of the Eltai CPI.

The minister said that A. Valotka’s excuses, that he was not heard that well, no longer convince him. In general, according to S. Kairis, it is obvious that situations that call for so much attention are beginning to interfere with A. Valotka’s direct duties.

“As always, he is not heard as much – it continues. There will probably not be a month without Mr. Valotka’s speeches. (…) This is really unprofessional, unsound and starting to get in the way. I would think that it is time for the manager to think about some other activities for which he is suitable”, said S. Kairys.

“I really feel strange raising an older person like a child, what can be done in public, what can’t be done, what is appropriate for the duties, what is not,” emphasized S. Kairys.

Audrius Valotka

However, as the minister notes, the ministry is not yet considering whether A. Valotka can remain in his current position. However, as S. Kairys says, the head of the CPI should assess his own ability to continue in his current position.

“I can offer him (to resign – ELTA), but the decision is his. (…) As I have talked with him – if the personality of the head of the CPI does not fit into the role of the head of the inspection, there are other activities that can be done”, said S. Kairys.

ELTA reminds that CPI chief A. Valotka was in the spotlight again this week after his speeches. As the portal delfi.lt announced, a recording from the recent text editing conference REDA, where A. Valotka gave a speech, has spread in the public space. At the event, the head of the CPI spoke about “all types of transporters who speak the Churk languages”. A. Valotka himself assured the portal that he did not say “Churkas”, but “Turks”.

A. Valotka has received criticism for his statements not for the first time. The commission assembled by the Ministry of Culture already issued a note to A. Valotka in August regarding his statements on the radio show. The head of the CPI received unfavorable attention after in July LRT stated in the radio program that the Polish name plates of villages in the Vilnius district not only mark the historical territory occupied by the Poles, but also violate the laws of Lithuania, so they should be removed. The head of the CPI also equated these inscriptions with the marking of the Russian-occupied territories of Donbass.

In March of this year, the CPI sent a letter to the country’s institutions, stating that from March next year, it is planned to start testing the knowledge of the Lithuanian language of war refugees from Ukraine working in the country, because, according to the CPI headed by A. Valotka, knowledge of the national language is necessary for Ukrainians to be fully integrated .

Aynura Imranova

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