Azerbaijan news

A campaign related to arrests has been launched in Azerbaijan

Human rights defenders are protesting the repressions in the country

Azerbaijani human rights defenders have started a campaign related to repressions in the country.

The goal is to put an end to arrests in Azerbaijan, to release imprisoned journalists and civil society activists.

Aggregation of sites

Aggregation of sites

The campaign was launched at a time when Azerbaijan is preparing to host the “COP29” climate change event.

This was reported by the Geneva-based non-profit consulting group “Progress&Change Action Lab”.

“The campaign uniting forces under the name of Anar Mammadli is aimed at increasing attention to political prisoners and the constant atmosphere of repression in Azerbaijan”– it is reported.

The founders of the campaign draw attention to the arrest of journalists of “AbzasMedia”, “ToplumTV” and “Kanal 13”, non-governmental organizations such as Institute of Democratic Initiatives and, and activists of political groups such as “Third Republican Platform”.

Anar Mammadli was detained on April 29. He was charged under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling – when committed by a group of persons who conspired in advance).

A. Mammadli is the head of a non-governmental organization specializing in the field of electoral law in Azerbaijan. He is the author of critical reports on elections.

He justifies his arrest with his social activities.

Dozens of journalists have been arrested in Azerbaijan since last November.

Arrests in the “AbzasMedia” case, known for its corruption investigations, began on November 20. First, the site’s director Ulvi Hasanli, deputy director Mahammad Kekalov, and editor-in-chief Sevinj Vagifqizi were arrested.

Arrests continued with investigative journalist Hafiz Babali, Nargiz Absalamova and Elnara Gasimova.

They are also charged with Article 206.3.2 (smuggling by a group of persons) of the Criminal Code.

The sanction of this article provides for imprisonment from 5 to 8 years.

None of the named journalists are guilty, they said that they were punished for investigations related to the business and corruption of a number of officials, including members of the President’s family, in “AbzasMedia”.

After “AbzasMedia”, the head of “Kanal 13” internet channel, “Toplum TV” news portal and internet television of the same name, “” website, which investigates the activities of the Milli Majlis and deputies, was also arrested on charges of smuggling.

It is alleged that these media organizations received grants from foreign organizations and smuggled those funds into the country.

However, the journalists reject this accusation and state that they were arrested without any evidence related to smuggling.

They stated that the purpose of these arrests is to silence media organizations that investigate corruption and official arbitrariness in the country and inform the public.

“24 saat”

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