
Expert assessments at the meeting of the Žemaitaitis impeachment commission

“We will examine the systematicity and repetition of R. Žemaitaitis’s statements, whether viewed as a whole it can be treated as a gross violation of the Constitution. (…) Therefore, we will have assessments from historians, from the Human Rights Institute, from the General Prosecutor’s Office, from the legal side, etc. Opinions and evaluations will be presented,” A. Valinskas informed Elta.

Seimas last week, he supported the government’s initiative to impeach Remigiis Žemaitaičis, a member of parliament known for his anti-Semitic remarks. By the decision of the Seimas, a commission was formed from 6 ruling parliamentarians, because the opposition representatives refused to participate in it.

The commission is tasked to complete the work and submit its conclusion by October 10.

ELTA reminds that R. Žemaitaitis outraged the international community with his anti-Semitic statements. Politician accused the Jews of having carried out the Lithuanian holocaust.

Create a stir with your words facebook on the social network R. Žemaitaitis also caused earlier. The politician shared a video about a school demolished near Bethlehem, Palestine, Israel and stated that “besides Putin, other animals appeared in the world – Israel“.

Israel, Germany, USA and the Dutch Embassy and the American Jewish Committee (AJC), condemning the Seimas member’s statements and demanding a public apology.

Aynura Imranova

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