
The Minister of Finance finally responded to her husband’s insults to educators

“I think that every adult probably takes responsibility for what he says or thinks,” he told reporters on Wednesday. Government G. Skaistė said the meeting.

However, the minister emphasized that she believes that every person has the right to strike or protest.

“I can only state my position that, in my opinion, a strike is a right guaranteed by democracy and freedom of speech. And certainly everyone has the right to protest, to strike, if they believe that there are objective circumstances for that,” said the minister.

A. Skaištis was given a warning by the Supervisory Committee of the conservatives and banned for a year from participating in all upcoming elections. The politician was also recommended to replace the Education Affairs Committee in the Vilnius City Council, where the politician currently works.

ELTA reminds that the chairman of the Širvintos branch of conservatives, Virginijus Sarpauskas, created a sarcastic post on the Facebook social network last Thursday about the fact that the leader of the Lithuanian Education Employees Trade Union (LŠDPS) Andrius Navickas is “Vilijus Blinkevičius” because “Vilia is his sister”. A. Skaistys, a conservative and member of the Vilnius city council, who took part in the discussion, said that A. Navickas would join “the party of blinkers” and added: “Communications, not teachers.”

At that time, responding to the comment of Jolanta Bizaitė, a fellow member of the party, MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas’s assistant, the politician urged the pedagogue not to whine and called the teachers “broilers”.

However, the politician later apologized to the education community and explained himself by assuring that he did not call teachers “communiags” and “broilers”. According to A. Skaištis, who belongs to the conservatives, he did not use the insulting epithets for the community of educators, but for specific individuals.

Aynura Imranova

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