
The URK committee of the Seimas came up with the idea of ​​organizing a visit to Armenia and Azerbaijan

“After this discussion, the idea was born to organize a parliamentary visit to the region as soon as possible, in which there would be representatives of all factions, and it could be organized by the URK. We will ask again tomorrow, maybe someone from the Seimas leadership would like to join,” said the URK chairman to Eltai. Ž. Pavilion.

“We will seek a visit to both capitals if it is possible. But the priority is for Armenia“, he noted.

The politician assures that he intends to discuss the possibility of this visit with the Lithuanian ambassadors in Armenia and Azerbaijan in the near future.

Ž. Pavilionis is convinced that Lithuania can have useful advice for Armenia in forming a western political direction.

“Our unique role can be in helping Armenia formulate the steps for a new turn to the West.” Because Armenians really don’t really understand, they don’t know much about those instruments, they don’t really dare to use them,” said the URK chairman.

“Since we are so close to those countries, sometimes our Lithuanian proposals can be a bit bolder. And parliamentarians have the right and the freedom to help Armenians and others to cope with that situation a little more sincerely and openly,” he also emphasized.

ELTA reminds that last week Azerbaijan launched an “anti-terrorist” operation against its territory, Nagorno-Karabakh, recognized by the international community, and announced the end of it the next day.

On Thursday, the representatives of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh held talks on the further regulation of the situation. Azerbaijan has promised to allow Armenians who lay down their arms to leave Karabakh.

Armenia’s foreign ministry accuses Azerbaijan of “ethnic cleansing”.

The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh began back in February 1988, when the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region, where the majority of the population is Armenian, declared its withdrawal from the composition of the Azerbaijan SSR. In September 1991, the establishment of Nagorno-Karabakh was announced in Stepanakert, the administrative center of autonomy. Republic.

Aynura Imranova

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