
After a powerful explosion in the Skuodas district, only ruins remained of the house: neighbors wonder how a man with poor vision and hearing survived

A house in Skuod, a garden community, collapsed in an explosion. Neighbors were frightened by a loud bang on Tuesday evening, around 7 p.m.

“We were just at home, we heard such a bang, I immediately said that gas had exploded somewhere. We went outside, looked around, we couldn’t see anything, Donatas says that dust is rising somewhere,” said the resident of Skuodas.

People said that not only their houses were shaken by the explosion. “The dog was being walked, they say, and the sound was so loud that it almost took me upstairs,” another neighbor recalled the details of the incident.

Blast wave windows, doors and other debris on the road and neighbors’ plots burned, but the property of the surrounding people was not damaged. After the explosion and fire, there was only a cloud of dust.

“If it didn’t catch fire, it means that gas has accumulated and then that mixture explodes, no spark is needed, because if it had smoked or done something, there would have been a fire immediately,” the resident claimed.

People say that they tried to calm the resident of the house who was running around the yard barefoot and did not understand how he got out of the rubble. According to neighbors, the man has poor vision and hearing.

“He’s walking around that meadow with bare feet, his skin is peeled off, half of his pants were missing, he’s walking, I say, Rimantas, it’s full of glass,” said a neighbor who rushed to help.

The man who was hiding in his sister’s house was taken to the Klaipėda Republic Hospital, where he is being treated in intensive care for his burns. People say that the middle-aged man is hardworking, the only problem is that he liked to drink.

“My sister came, they say we took her to the hospital yesterday, she was two percent drunk,” said another neighbor.

Another resident reasoned how the accident could have happened: “It seems to me that he was turned away, left, he liked to drink, he could have fallen asleep.” But how he appeared in the field, I have no idea.”

“If they were cooking something, the boiler boiled, the gas got in, and the gas continued to run, and then the gas accumulated and exploded. The balloons are all healthy. When there is a problem with the balloon, then the balloon bursts,” explained another witness of the event.

According to the firefighters, the explosion occurred in the kitchen, they took out a gas cylinder that was connected to the stove from the destroyed house.

According to firefighters, gas baloon was badly installed, there was not even a gasket. There is no doubt that the house is gone because of a gas leak.

A similar accident happened in Skuodas district a few months ago. Then a fire broke out when a gas cylinder exploded, killing the owner of the house.

See the full LNK News report here:

Aynura Imranova

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