
He suggested delaying the entry into force of the Law on Civil Union, if it was passed

“The essence of the proposal is to set the date – July 1, 2025 – realizing that the decision, if it is adopted in the Seimas of this term, will hardly be sustainable. And that raises the question of whether it is necessary to create unreasonable legal expectations for people in the event that another government decides to cancel it,” informed A. Širinskienė during the meeting.

The politician assured that the Ministry of Justice has also pointed out that it will take time to prepare for the implementation of the law.

“On the other hand, as the arguments are put together by the Ministry of Justice to our proposal, it can be seen from the letter of the Ministry of Justice that the Ministry is talking about the fact that the implementation will take at least 12 months. It is naturally already the year 2025,” said A. Širinskienė.

However, the representative of the Ministry of Justice participating in the meeting assured that there would be enough time for preparation if this law were to come into force on the scheduled date – November 1, 2024.

ELTA reminds that the Seimas approved the civil union law project initiated by the ruling majority of parties after the discussion in May. In order for it to be adopted, MPs will have to vote again.

The project proposes to regulate both the property and personal non-property relations of persons who are not married, but who create joint mutual relations.

However, the law is viewed with skepticism by some members of the Seimas in the ruling majority and in the opposition. The president has repeatedly expressed doubts about the project. However, the country’s leader does not comment on the specific details of the law and his attitude regarding them and assures that he is waiting for the final decision of the Seimas.

Chairwoman of the Freedom Party, which initiated the law Dawn Armonaitė declared at the end of August that the upcoming autumn session of the Seimas is the last one when the draft law on civil union can be adopted.

Aynura Imranova

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