
Navickienė is still considering whether she will seek to become a conservative presidential candidate

“I’m really considering, I’m still considering this option. The most important message is that I was really moved by the support of the people in the party. This is very important to me. You probably need to answer the final questions to yourself, whether this path would be the right choice for me at this stage,” she said to journalists before the Government meeting.

“I really do consider and really appreciate the trust of the community,” added the conservative.

According to her, there is still time to think about the possibility of running for the presidency, so she will announce her decision in the near future.

“So far, I have not received an order from the secretariat that I should respond. I will see what the terms are there. I still have some time to think about it,” the minister concluded.

On Sunday, the branches of the Fatherland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) finished putting up possible candidates for the presidential and European Parliament (EP) elections. Candidates were nominated by 70 sections of the Conservative Party.

The vast majority of TS-LKD party branches suggest that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyta, party chairman G. Landsbergiis, and Minister of Social Security and Labor Monika Navickieni take part in the presidential elections.

Aynura Imranova

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