
The Social Democrats demand the resignation of Krivius – Delfi

According to the Social Democrats, another independent electricity supplier “EGTO energyAfter the shutdown, the liberalization of the electricity market “experienced a complete fiasco”. However, they note, there is no intention of initiating another interpellation to the ruling ministers.

“Interpellation is a rather complex legal process, the success of which also depends on those in power. It’s a matter of majority. Meanwhile, the call to assume or feel moral responsibility, to resign, to say what you will do differently, and to realize the mistakes… This is a political step by which we draw the attention not so much of the Seimas, but of the public”, Eltai explained the statements of the social democrats Gintautas Paluckas.

In a message published a little earlier, the social democrat called on the representatives of the Government to take responsibility for, according to them, the failed electricity market liberalization project.

“Prime Minister Ingrid Šimonytė and energy minister D. Kreivys should stop following tales about the market liberalization project that has obviously already perished. And D. Kreivi should finally take political responsibility and step down from his position,” said G. Paluckas in a statement.

The politician claims that the liberalization of the electricity market consumed a lot of nerves, and all consumers were left sitting as if by a “split geld”.

“Energy policymaker D. Kreivys deliberately ignored oligopolistic manifestations in the market. He didn’t even try to control the big players in the electricity market, who constantly used their weight for marketing tricks, manipulations and the formation of favorable legal regulation”, assures G. Paluckas.

Member of the Seimas at that time Rasa Budbergyte states that the liberalization of the electricity market is perhaps the most important task that this minister had to implement.

“However, all the problems of market liberalization were addressed,” says R. Budbergytė.

The parliamentarian believes that “D. The errors of the curve are becoming too expensive for the state, so he should consider resigning.”

“Already spoons in the afternoon – all illusions about the liberalization of the market have collapsed. Not only that, because of the minister’s mistakes last year, Ignitis bought extremely expensive gas at a fixed price, so the state was forced to waste millions on compensations,” said R. Budbergytė in a statement.

We remind you that the third independent electricity supplier – “EGTO energija” – left the market last week. Previously, “Birštonos elektra” and “Perlas energija” have stopped their activities. The first two suppliers left this year, after the Seimas tightened the activities of independent electricity suppliers.

“Perlas energija” withdrew in 2022. in August, when electricity prices rose significantly in the market.

Aynura Imranova

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