
After the discussion, the Seimas approved the proposal to redraw the boundaries of Vilnius city and district and Trakai district municipalities

113 parliamentarians approved the initiative after the discussion, one member of the Seimas voted against it.

She pointed out that currently municipalities limits 60 parcels of land cross in the Vilnius City Municipality, in Vilnius district municipality – 67 plots, and 2 plots in Trakai district.

“In the Trakai district, these are the towns of Aukštadvaris, Onuškis, in the Vilnius city municipality, the city of Vilnius, and in the Vilnius district municipality, the towns of Bezdoniis, Šumskas, Maišiagalas and Mickūnai, the boundaries of whose territories must be fixed, in order to achieve the smooth implementation of the provisions of the aforementioned law”, detailed S. Ščajevienė .

As noted in the explanatory note of the project, the fact that the boundary of the territory of the Vilnius city municipality crosses some plots and buildings, roads, water bodies located on the boundary of the municipal territories causes problems when planning territories and forming real estate boundaries. As a result, real estate and property owners, surveyors, designers, organizers of these works and other persons experience various difficulties, so it is necessary to solve it.

It is expected that, after the adoption of the law, the boundaries of the territories of three neighboring municipalities will be determined in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, and the conditions will also be created for these municipalities to submit documents regarding the management of the boundaries of the territories of residential areas located in their territories.

It is announced that 19 of the 29 local residents who participated in the survey supported the redrawing of the borders. This is 65.51 percent. of all survey participants.

Aynura Imranova

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