
After the negotiations, the minister announces a fundamental change to the teachers

“All sides have taken steps towards a constructive solution, for which I am grateful.

For the only trade union that withdrew from the negotiations and is starting a strike, we will provide all opportunities to resolve the situation in an equally constructive manner: we will officially present the ministry’s proposal, invite you to evaluate it, sign an updated contract, and in this way ensure what the teachers who decided to strike, and we are striving for – that the children can study without interruption , because it is a priority for all of us and a constitutional right of children”, said the Minister of Education, Science and Sports after the negotiations Gintautas Jakštas.

As announced in the information presented in the report, the fundamental change is related to the salary increase of preschool, pre-school, general education, non-formal education and vocational training teachers: in the draft of the updated contract, it is recorded that from 2024 January 1 additional funds are allocated to increase wages by 10 percent, starting in 2024. September 1 – at least 10 percent In addition, 3 percent will continue to be allocated to the salary of general education teachers working according to the updated programs. education funds, as now since the beginning of the school year.

The aim is to implement the goal of the political parties’ agreement that in 2024 the average salary of teachers would be 130 percent. national average wage.

By May of next year, the prospect of raising teachers’ salaries until 2028 will be provided.

It is also planned to conduct an analysis of the application of the provision for primary education teachers to form a full-time position when they work 700 or more contact hours and to submit proposals for improving the structure of teachers’ workload or related legislation.

Regulation will be tightened so that municipalities no longer receive state grants from the ministry for classes that are too large. An amendment to the procedure for the calculation, distribution and use of training funds will be prepared, according to which in cases where from 2024 September 1 formed classes in which the number of students exceeds the set maximum number of students in a class, the possibility of reducing education funds allocated to the municipality would be established.

From the next academic year, the right of the school owner (in many cases – the municipality) to the maximum number of students in grades 5-12 will be established. reduce from 30 to 26 students, and 1-4 kl. – from 24 to 22 students.

Funds will also be allocated to increase the wages of research workers, other researchers and teachers of research and study institutions: from 2024 January 1 – 10 percent, from 2024 September 1 – at least 18.7 percent. in 2024 at the end of research staff of research and study institutions, others

the average salary of researchers and teachers will be at least 150 percent of the national average salary, as stipulated in the political parties’ agreement on education.

The renewed collective agreement of the Lithuanian branch of education and science between the ministry and trade unions will be signed in the near future.

Milešinas: the trade union council will decide on Monday whether a strike will be announced

According to the Chairman of the Education and Science Trade Union, Egidijus Milešinas, the agreements made with the Ministry of Education regarding teacher salary increases, class reductions and further plans to improve working conditions will still have to be evaluated by the council on Monday. It will also decide whether a strike will be called.

“Today we finished the negotiation process, agreements have been reached, and, according to all procedures, the agreements will be submitted to the Ministry of Social Security and Labor and the Ministry of Finance for evaluation in the near future,” E. Milešinas said on Thursday after a meeting with the Minister of Education, Science and Sports Gintautas Jakštas.

“Also, we are organizing our council on Monday, which will evaluate the agreements reached and assess whether they are acceptable or not,” the union president added.

In E. Milešina’s opinion, a consensus was reached regarding the ferry demands of the trade union, therefore, if the council is satisfied with the decisions made, the strike will not be announced.

“In my personal opinion, it seems that we have found a compromise, so the council will evaluate if they are satisfied with the decision – there will be no strike,” he said.

An agreement has been reached with the Lithuanian Education and Science Trade Union, the Education and Science Trade Union “Solidarumas”, the Association of Lithuanian Higher Education Trade Unions, the Lithuanian Trade Union “Sandrauga” on the renewal of the collective agreement of the Lithuanian branch of education and science.

“We found a consensus. We have offered an unprecedented amount of funds from the Government, which will be used to raise wages. 343 million for the next year. This gives the opportunity to increase the salary of both teachers and lecturers by 10 percent from the beginning of the year. And the second increase should be done in September of the same year,” Minister Gintautas Jakštas told journalists after the meeting with the trade unions.

The fundamental change is related to the salary increase of pre-school, pre-school, general education, non-formal education and vocational training teachers: in the draft of the updated contract, it is recorded that from 2024 January 1 additional funds are allocated to increase wages by 10 percent, starting in 2024. September 1 – at least 10 percent In addition, 3 percent will continue to be allocated to the salary of general education teachers working according to the updated programs. education funds, as now since the beginning of the school year.

It also aims to implement the goal of the political parties’ agreement that in 2024 the average salary of teachers would be 130 percent. national average wage.

It is also planned to conduct an analysis of how the provision for primary education teachers to form a full-time position when they work 700 or more contact hours is applied and to submit proposals regarding the structure of teachers’ workload or the improvement of related legislation, the ministry announces.

From the next academic year, the right of the school owner (in most cases – the municipality) to the maximum number of students in grades 5-12 will be established. reduce from 30 to 26 students, and 1-4 kl. – from 24 to 22 students.

However, no consensus was found with the trade union of education workers, headed by Andriaus Navickos. The union withdrew from collective branch negotiations.

Teachers belonging to A. Navick’s trade union will start a month-long strike on Friday.

Aynura Imranova

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