
Čmilytė-Nielsen rejects the criticism of opponents: she claims that she does not know what the decision of the CT will be regarding the Istanbul Convention

“I have my own opinion. I do not hide it and declare it publicly. I don’t mind. The Constitutional Court will consider the appeal and answer what it thinks”, added V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

In general, she noted, applying to the CT is a rational step, because it is compliance with the convention, the politician said, to the Constitution residents have many questions.

“In my opinion, applying to the Constitutional Court is a rational step. In order to dispel doubts and fears, an arbitrator was contacted who could answer the questions. “Every time there is talk of the consideration of the Istanbul Convention in the Seimas, I think that not only me, but also other members of the Seimas receive a lot of letters urging us to respect the Constitution and not to take decisions that contradict it,” explained the liberal.

On Thursday, the Seimas should decide whether to apply to the Constitutional Court regarding the compliance of the Istanbul Convention with the Constitution.

ELTA reminds that the non-governmental organizations asked the head of the parliament to turn to the Constitutional Court to assess the compliance of the Istanbul Convention with the Constitution.

Earlier Presidencyassessing the perspective of the Istanbul Convention, which arouses passions in the society, indicated that this document was submitted to the Seimas for ratification in the previous term, therefore, according to Daukant Square, the issue is in the hands of parliamentarians.

At a time European Parliament (EP) approved the initiative for the Community to join the Istanbul Convention for the prevention of violence against women in mid-May.

The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence was adopted in 2011. May 11 in Istanbul. in 2013 June 7 it was signed by Lithuania. in 2018 the president submitted it to the Seimas for ratification by decree, but it has not been done so far.

Aynura Imranova

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