
In Lithuania, there is a new heat record that has not existed for many decades

We usually count record breakings in tenths of a degree, so this kind of warmth, while nice, is really unusual for late September. The warmest was in southern Lithuania, but elsewhere the temperature reached unprecedented values ​​at this time of the year – 22-27 degrees Celsius.

During the previous day, the sky was mostly cloudy or clear, it did not rain anywhere. The temperature dropped to 10-16 degrees at night.

Two more very warm and dry days ahead.

No rain is expected today. Wind southeast, south, 5-10 m/s. The highest temperature is 22-27 degrees Celsius.

Answered who will be affected by the warming climate

Climate change and its warming in Lithuania, according to climatologist Justin Kilpis, certainly finds its supporters. However, unpleasant phenomena are also hidden behind these processes, J. Kilpys said.

“But we should look more broadly here. Yes, if the winters become warmer, we can say that it is easier to survive the higher air temperature, you have to pay less for heating. But there are other phenomena. That, let’s say, when there are warm winters, many more agricultural pests survive, various insects, ticks the same. The warmer the winter, the more of them survive the spring and are even active, some remain in the winter, which was never the case before,” said J. Kilpys in the “Delfi interview” program.

And Lithuanians and other people living in northern latitudes do not know how to behave during heat waves, which are becoming more frequent due to the changing climate.

“Usually, when we have sunny, very warm days, everyone rushes to go to the sun, sunbathe, go to the gardens and want to take advantage of the clear sunny weather. But in fact, it should be done the other way around and the hottest time of the day, when the sun is very high, when it is very stuffy, should be spent somewhere in the shade, being calm, not engaging in any physical activity,” he noted.

Climatologist J. Kilpys stated that the warming climate affects human health and agriculture.

And as ocean levels and air temperatures rise, some parts of the world may become simply uninhabitable – not only can they be flooded, but people will simply no longer be able to physically live in them. People fleeing from such places can also end up in Lithuania.

The extremes will only increase

Experts say this July was the hottest in 100 years of monitoring in southern Europe. Climatologist J. Kilpys said that extremes will only increase.

“It might be more accurate to describe it as an increase in extremes, that it won’t necessarily always be heat and fires, it could be very flash floods with huge amounts of rainfall in a very short period of time. Another great example of this year could be the huge floods in the north of Italy, fires and heat in Sicily. In the same region, we have very different climatic extremes. And now it should not be said that all summers will be only hot and there will be fires.

But that climate extremes, when there is a very sudden transition from one extreme to another, from great floods to great droughts. It must be recognized that Southern Europe and the entire Mediterranean region will probably change the fastest according to all climate change scenarios and forecasts.

There will be more and more dry conditions, heat waves, forest fires, and an increase in the lack of drinking water is already noticeable, and this will become a very real and very painful problem in the countries of the Mediterranean region,” the climatologist shared his predictions in the “Delfi interview” program.

Aynura Imranova

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