
Kairys no longer sees opportunities for Valotka to remain in the post: I do not communicate with the manager

“Yesterday, the vice-minister in charge of this inspection met with him. The Deputy Minister asked how he felt about whether he could continue in his duties. He replied that he can and if he is somehow offered to leave, he will sue and the like, because he feels that he is right. This message is enough for me. I see that I do not communicate with the manager and I do not see how we can do joint work”, said S. Kairys.

“He is not an officer of political personal trust, in this case I cannot stamp my foot on the floor.” There is a rule of law, there are procedures, there is an opportunity to evaluate the statements by reconvening the commission,” the minister noted.

He emphasized that the ministry will look for solutions regarding A. Valotka, who is always involved in scandals.

“Procedurally, we will investigate again. We will discuss with the ministry’s lawyers what those possibilities are. (…) Drop by drop and stone by stone. That remark after remark might also mean something, if we don’t talk during the conversation, we will talk in a different way”, S. Kairys did not hide.

A. Valotka: I don’t have a clear message

For his part, A. Valotka says that he has not yet received a clear proposal from S. Kairis to resign from his position.

“I don’t have such a clear message and I don’t want to discuss those things with the minister through the media,” A. Valotka told Elta on Thursday.

The head of CPI also notes that he is not thinking at all about leaving his post.

“No I’m not. We will talk to the ministry and then we will see. When they offer, then I will think about it,” said A. Valotka.

A. Valotka, who once again received attention in the public space in the last week, claims that he was misunderstood.

“It was a complete speech impediment. There was no intention (…) here is the simplest speech error and it is obvious from the context of the speech that there were no evil intentions and similar things. The legal term is lapsus lingue – slip of the tongue. Language error. There was nothing else here,” noted A. Valotka.

Aynura Imranova

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