
Thirteen-year-old Majus from the town of Alanta saved his uncle’s life and became a town hero

“Thirteen-year-old Majus Lasys from the town of Alanta did not get lost when there was a fire in the house – first of all, he called 112 instead of his parents. After listening to the operator’s instructions, Majus helped a disabled relative to get out of the room of the burning house. The boy is happy that not only his parents’ advice, but also the safety lessons he learned at school helped him stay calm in a difficult situation.

All this took place on September 15. 15. 56 hours 112 received a report that a residential house was on fire in Molėtai district, Alanta ward, Alanta town. When the first firefighters arrived, part of the house was in flames.

At that time, only thirteen-year-old Majus and his uncle, who has a mobility disability, were at home. The boy was in the room browsing on his phone. “I smelled smoke. I ran outside and saw fire shooting outside the boiler room door. I was very scared. I immediately ran to call 112, I had entered the number in my phone. We were taught at school that you need to know the number to call for help,” says Majus.

A brave boy saved his disabled uncle from a fire

When Majus called, he told the operator that the house was on fire. It was asked if there were still people in the house. “I remembered that my uncle was at home. I ran to him and told him that the house was on fire and we needed to go outside. He had also smelled smoke. My uncle has a mobility disability and walks with a walker. I accompanied him to the front door, and a neighbor had already run there, he took him away from the burning house,” the boy says.”

Majus admits that the fire scared him a lot, it was scary, but he didn’t get lost. What did Majus do right in this situation?

🎯 First of all, he did not report the fire to his parents, but to 112 – this way, very important minutes were saved and firefighters were promptly called.

🎯The emergency services number 112 was entered in his mobile phone.

🎯 Carefully listening to the safety lessons at school came in handy.
🎯 The boy did not get lost or distracted, he followed the instructions of the General Help Center operator.

When asked how he feels after this incident, Majus admits that although the fire scared him a lot, it was scary, but now he feels good and does not consider himself a hero. According to him, the uncle is happy that he managed to get out of the burning house in time.

During the fire, the boiler room and the household items in it were burnt, the bathroom was burnt, the plastic paneling was overheated, and 10 sq. m of roofing. Burned 15 sq. m outdoor walls, terrace structures, 1 window package was missing due to the heat, the windows were broken, their frames were overheated.

Aynura Imranova

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