
After the 14-year-old’s attack in the gymnasium, there is an urgent call for help from teachers

The Chief Police Commissariat of Šiauliai County confirmed last week that a report was received on Thursday that a 14-year-old student allegedly beat a teacher at Simon Daukant Engineering Gymnasium in Šiauliai.

A first-year high school student became enraged when a 56-year-old teacher took his mobile phone. The teenager hit the teacher in the face, breaking his glasses. The medics took the teacher to the reception department of the Republic Šiauliai Hospital. The deputy director of the gymnasium, Irma Riukienė, revealed more details about the incident a little earlier in 15 minutes.

It is written that the 14-year-old student is new to the school and already within the first few weeks there have been complaints about his behavior. She also briefly answered how the teacher feels now.

“The teacher was given first aid. He, of course, feels shocked, having experienced a shock,” said the director.

The principal added that the incident shocked the entire school community.

After the student’s violence in the gymnasium, both the teachers and the parents of the students revolted. They do not want a violent teenager to study here, reports lrytas.lt.

36 pedagogues signed the letter addressed to the Šiauliai City Council, administration, Education Department and the gymnasium director.

As we wrote earlier, classmates filmed the student attacking the teacher, punching him in the face and then punching him in the stomach.

The 14-year-old was apparently thrown into a rage when the teacher took his phone.

“Standed up, cut the frame, asked for the phone back twice, the teacher didn’t give it back, grabbed his sweater, asked again, didn’t give it back and started a fight,” said students who were in the same class. In the video, another student rushes to the teacher’s aid, and others encourage them to end the fight with screams. Another video captures the fourteen-year-old’s behavior just before the conflict.

He without any reason, turning on the loudspeaker, calls the General emergency number 112 and brags about beating up a classmate. “The teacher asked me to put the phone down maybe three or four times,” the witnesses said.

Urges to help

Both the municipality and the high school are making every effort to resolve the current situation. Psychological and physical violence are intolerable, so the high school teachers’ team appeals to all well-intentioned people who want to help the teacher in court and in rehabilitation. Šiauliai teachers expect everyone’s support and collect funds.

Please transfer the money to the account LT20 7300 0100 0240 3550 AB Swedbank.

Purpose of transfer: For the rehabilitation and legal services of the injured teacher.

Recipient: Association of Šiauliai Education Trade Unions.

The students say that this student is conflicted, he caused fear in those around him in his previous schools as well.

“He likes to attack children, he was a menace to society and children feared him. He jumped in front of the teachers, threw eggs at the teachers’ offices, sneaked up to the first-graders,” the fourteen-year-old’s classmates said.

Educators are worried

This is the first such terrible incident for this high school. The administration of the gymnasium does not hide that the student was already not at his best, but he had not gone that far. “There have been conflict situations, violations of order, but all situations did not pose a security threat, they were resolved with the help of a psychologist,” said Irma Riukienė, deputy director of the high school.

The beaten teacher is now being treated at home after being examined at the hospital, the man’s head was not only bruised, but the pressure also increased due to stress. According to the leaders of the high school, they help the teacher in every possible way, but now other teachers and students also need help, fear has prevailed in the high school, psychologists are working with the community.

“The teachers are worried, we are just as worried, the whole community is worried and would very much like to solve that situation without violating the rights of any people”, said I. Riukienė.

The incident is being investigated by the police, but now the officers will have to sort out two statements, as the teenager’s parents also contacted the police. “We have received a statement from the parents of that student that the student was injured at school yesterday, he allegedly has neck injuries, yesterday they went to the doctor,” said Gailutė Smagriūnienė, the chief specialist of Šiauliai county VPK.

This fourteen-year-old was known to the Child Rights Service before, specialists had already provided assistance to this family. Education up to the age of 16 is compulsory in Lithuania, but if the student poses a danger to others, home schooling may be prescribed.

Aynura Imranova

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