
An apology was not enough: the Ethics Commission launched an investigation into Skaisti’s insults to teachers

Such a decision was taken by the commission by consensus.

“We received a citizen’s complaint regarding the insulting remarks of the member of the Fatherland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party, Audrius Skaistis,” the chairman of the commission, a social democrat, informed Elta Remigius Motuz.

“We have decided today that we will open an investigation,” he confirmed.

According to R. Motuz, the commission will return to the issue next week.

ELTA reminds that discussions about the planned strike of education workers on the social network facebook involved conservative and member of the Vilnius city council A. Skaistys scolded one of the trade union leaders Andrii Navickas, criticized the teachers, calling them “communists”, “broilers”, and in response to the comment of Jolanta Bizaitė, a member of the party, MP Lauryns Kasčiūnas’s assistant, the politician urged the teacher not to whine.

Later, the politician apologized to the education community and explained himself by assuring that he did not call the teachers “communists” and “broilers”. According to A. Skaištis, he used insulting epithets not for the community of educators, but for specific individuals.

A. Skaištis was given a warning by the Supervisory Committee of the conservatives and banned from participating in all upcoming elections for a year. The politician was also recommended to replace the Education Affairs Committee in the Vilnius City Council, where the politician currently works.

Aynura Imranova

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