
Expert on the presidential election: for now, the leader is alone, the others have no chance

According to L. Bielinis, there is an intensive discussion about candidates for the post of President in the Party of the Fatherland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD).

“There are several candidates, of course there are lists, but at the moment that selection is still ongoing. And I would think that they will come to an agreement in the near future”, – LNK Lauras Bielinis told the midday news.

According to him, it is theoretically possible that Ingrid Šimonytė will try to run for the presidency again: “Everything is possible in this world. And in fact, as a working politician, prime minister, she demonstrates quite a lot of activity, a position, yes, not everyone agrees with her, yes, there are many discussions regarding her, political objections, maybe even disputes within the Conservative Party itself, but she is well known and there will be no need to re-create her image.”

Therefore, it seems to L. Bielinius that she can apply.

The post of Prime Minister would not help

When asked whether it is possible to win the presidential elections from the post of acting prime minister, the interviewer of LNK Vidurdienis zinios admitted that it would be difficult.

Because the post of prime minister is special in that all problems that arise in society, even domestic ones, are imposed by the people on the Government and the prime minister responsible for it.

“I. Šimonytė will concentrate on herself all the reproaches that society has. Therefore, a part of society actually sees I. Šimonyte as the source of their problems. Although this is an error, it is not true. But nevertheless, we see that a lot of people think that way,” he emphasized.

Assessing whether the Conservative candidate could become Minister of Social Security and Labour Monika NavickienėL. Bielinis said that he believes that TS-LKD there is still no solution for this in the ranks.

“The fact that she is being talked about more and more, it is obvious that a certain group inside is trying to make her a candidate. But whether it will be successful – I don’t know, the other presumed candidates are also strong enough,” he said.

L. Bielinis pointed out that it would be difficult to defeat G. Nausėdas – now he is ahead of all possible candidates.

“It would be very difficult to catch him in this short period of time, unless there is some fundamental mistake made by the president. And he will not make such mistakes, because he is already experienced, so I am sure that whatever the candidate from the conservative side is, his main task will not be to win the elections, but to expose himself in such a way that it is possible to achieve a good result in the next elections and possibly win,” he said. political scientist

A fatal mistake will block the way

According to the interviewer of LNK Vidurdienis žinios, the Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas, as a person, looks quite likeable, the public views him favorably.

“But in his political position, he expressed himself quite recklessly several times, and this caused a certain stir both in the ranks of politicians and in the conservative party. I think he has quite a strong opposition in the party. So it will be difficult for him to join the ranks of candidates here,” he said.

TS-LKD A. Anušauskas believes that it will be really difficult to act, and after the mistakes he made in publicizing the facts about the purchase of tanks, which he should not have publicized, he has no chance.

In his belief, no one has a chance against G. Nausėdas, including representatives of conservatives. According to the interviewer of the show, whether the conservatives want it or not, society is turning away from them, and the center-left will dominate the next Seimas elections.

“Therefore, conservatives must be content with what they have and think strategically not about this election, but about the next one,” he said.

Watch the entire LNK Midday News interview with L. Bielinius here:

Aynura Imranova

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