
The doctor is about teenagers in a coma: they are brought in frozen, the girl’s condition is the most severe

“(The children – ELTA) were in really serious and difficult conditions. One girl even had to be resuscitated by the ambulance because of breathing problems. It was established that (poisoning – ELTA) is only alcohol”, informed L. Mikelis.

According to him, the condition of the children is currently stable, and it is planned to send them home in the near future.

According to the doctor, all the children were found to be severely drunk – from 1.5 to 2.5 per thousand.

“Everyone arrived in rather deep comas, it was necessary to monitor their condition to prevent more serious things from happening – respiratory arrest, vomiting, suffocation, death.” <...>. They are brought from nature, frozen, that also plays a big role,” he said.

L. Mikelis noted that the girl’s condition was the most difficult.

“The children, most likely, consumed strong alcohol, their stories are quite different – some say that it was colored, others that it was black and white, and still others do not say anything,” he said.

The doctor assured that the parents of minors are informed about the children’s condition and situation.

“Parents are informed, parents know everything about their children’s conditions, treatments and next steps,” he assured.

According to the doctor, similar cases have decreased during the pandemic, but the situation is returning to pre-pandemic levels. L. Mikelis notes that cases of alcohol poisoning dominate among teenagers.

ELTA reminds that three minors were brought unconscious to the Klaipėda hospital on Thursday evening, who, according to the police, may have been poisoned by alcohol.

One of them was born in 2007, the other in 2009, and a minor was born in 2011.

Aynura Imranova

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