
The first of its kind in Lithuania: a park of countermobility tools has been opened

“All the details, when we start detailing the actions of the army, are not made public, etc. You saw one park – maybe we won’t see the others so clearly,” the State Border Guard Service (VSAT) told journalists on Friday. in the Vilnius national team said A. Anušauskas.

Deputy Minister and the National Crisis Management Center (NKSC) manager Vilmantas Vitkauskas. According to him, the NKSC, which is developing a system of countermobility measures, takes into account many criteria when selecting areas suitable for parks.

“One of those criteria is discretion, since we were talking about the establishment of such parks that would not be made public, then private property might be a bit of an obstacle. We are focusing on self-government and state institutions that could provide such places”, explained V. Vitkauskas.

The focus is on locally produced engineering tools

As previously reported, 18 parks are planned to be installed in a year – about 18 million will be allocated for this purpose. euros. Reinforced concrete blocks, anti-tank reinforced concrete structures, metal hedgehogs, and other engineering measures designed to create an additional defensive countermobility effect along the state border with Russia and Belarus will be stored in the parks.

At the same time, other measures to strengthen the effect of counter-mobility are being comprehensively planned (forming avenues of trees, deepening of reclamation ditches, etc.).

According to the head of the NKSC, when looking for engineering means to fill the parks, the focus is on the production of local production. However, according to him, in view of the situation and the urgency of the matter, purchases are also made.

Park of countermobility tools

“The priority in such situations is local production, because if it is necessary to supplement (measures – ELTA), the availability should be as high as possible. Again, realistic terms need to be looked at as well. If we see that we can buy faster – that’s what we do. But, of course, the priority is local production”, said V. Vitkauskas.

“The deadline for next year is quite urgent, it will be necessary to look very flexibly and look for all ways to acquire all the equipment elements as soon as possible,” he assured.

Solutions are also being sought to ensure efficient and quick placement of engineering measures at the country’s border in case of danger. According to A. Anušauskas, the engineering battalion of the army has certain logistical means.

“Currently, after the contracts have been completed, the engineering battalion is replenished with new engineering equipment – lifts, cranes, trucks,” explained the minister, but noted that private equipment would also be mobilized in case of war.

“There are also opportunities with the army, but if it’s more extensive, of course, resources are mobilized,” he explained.

At that time, the National Security and Defense Committee (NSGK) chairman Laurynas Kasčiūnas emphasized that public understanding and involvement in civil defense processes is also important – in the event of a crisis, both residents and the Riflemen’s Union can be used.

Park of countermobility tools

Emphasizes the importance of a systemic approach: measures must be defended

The chairman of the NSGK and the Minister of National Defense, who visited the newly opened park, emphasized that it is important to think about defense capabilities when preparing such engineering facilities. A. Anušauskas emphasized that a part of the funding for the construction of the parks will be used for the purchase of mines and explosives, which are needed to protect countermeasures.

“You can’t deploy those countermobility measures. Every countermobility measure must be defended – firepower, mining, explosives. Therefore, those 18 mln. – a considerable part goes to the purchase of mines, explosives, explosive materials”, said A. Anušauskas, noting that the processes of purchasing mines have already started and should be realized already next year.

“Education is necessary for both society and politicians. There is still a wild attitude in society that everything is fenced off as it is already safe. Not at all. Unattended barriers for military engineering are easily removed from any road, so they need to be guarded, manned, defended – when hostilities are in progress,” he continued.

“We are stockpiling the entire arsenal. But these decisions are also very important as a signal that the enemy will be stopped from the very first steps,” L. Kasčiūnas added.

Aynura Imranova

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