
The Istanbul Convention has divided everyone again: the opponents see the cunning plan of the rulers

“There are countries that have followed this path, for example, neighboring Latvia, and I think that this is a rational path considering the fact that the public still has doubts and fears about this Convention,” says the Speaker of the Seimas, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen.

He suspects that he already knows what the explanation will be

Chairman of the Labor Party Andrius Mazuronis spoke about the cunning plan. He claims that trying to adopt the Istanbul Convention is disguised as an appeal to the CT, already knowing what its interpretation will be.

“We will try to present to the Seimas that, here, the CT has clarified – everything is in order, now you too must vote for this document,” said the politician.

When considering the issue of the Istanbul Convention, more loud phrases were heard in the half-empty Seimas hall. It is said that several dozen genders will be legalized and that will be taught in schools.

“The majority of people in our country do not support gender ideology, do not support the choice of identity based on mood, and do not support what the Istanbul Convention declares, that our children should be taught about the love of two princes, that this should become the norm in kindergartens and schools,” explained the member of the Mixed Group of Seimas Members. Mindaugas Puidokas.

Aidas Gedvilas, who works in the same group, said at the session of the Seimas that “this genderist ideology aims to replace the natural, biological concept of two sexes with social gender, sexual identity and orientation”.

“This contradicts the concept of two-sex marriage and family in the Constitution of Lithuania,” the member of the Seimas is convinced.

Convention supporters are crossing back.

“Asking how many genders there are today has become a kind of control question, similar to how at the beginning of the war it became a question of who owns Crimea. Perhaps it is ironic that the question about the number of sexes is being asked the loudest today by those who were afraid of the question about Crimea,” said the representative of the Freedom Party in the Seimas. Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius.

According to the supporters, the convention in Lithuania is necessary in the fight against domestic violence.

“It’s disappointing to me that when we have such a big problem with violence, we’re arguing about concepts that are often imposed,” the Conservative leader said. Gabrielius Landsbergis.

Representative of the Freedom Party Morgana Daniele said that this is a way to prevent decisions from being made and politicians to engage in the same pointless debates.

“The Convention on Protection against Violence is a convention to protect people from violence regardless of their gender,” she emphasized.

Only a perverted mind can do that

Elder of the Liberal Movement faction Eugene Gentvilas LNK He told the news that only a perverted mind can treat genderism as “crushing” in this way.

“But they want to be treated that way. And for the March of Families and other slogans and populists and homophobes, it is played that there are dozens of genders and so on,” the politician emphasized.

E. Gentvilas added that it is about the social sexual identity of a person.

“We probably know people from our environment who look one way but feel differently. And this is proposed to be evaluated,” he said.

Representative of the faction of the Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Aurelius Veryga LNK told Zinioms that there are people who imagined themselves to be Napoleon.

“Now you can imagine something else. But the psychiatrist should help him understand that he is not like that, and not, on the contrary, try to confirm and create an environment for him to confirm some of his imaginations,” he explained.

No matter how the CT speaks, the Seimas will decide whether to accept the Istanbul Convention or not.

See the full LNK News report on the Istanbul Convention here:

Aynura Imranova

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