
After the impressive news from the weather forecasters, there are many more surprises waiting for you in October

On Wednesday, the 76-year heat record was broken – the temperature in Kalvaria reached 28.1 degrees Celsius. The previous record was improved by even 3 degrees.

Forecaster Vytautas Sakalauskas LNK They told the news that on that day, records were observed in many places in Lithuania.

“The temperature rose to 28 degrees Celsius in some areas in Southern Lithuania,” he said.

According to the forecaster, September will not be accompanied by warm weather, as changes will begin on the last day of September.

“Now the cyclone is determining the weather in Lithuania, sunny, warm weather with southerly winds, and here on Saturday the Atlantic cyclone will approach from the west, the atmospheric front will pass and changes are already waiting for us,” he said.

According to the forecaster, on Saturday there will be more clouds, rain, it will be cooler, especially during the day. At that time, Saturday night will still be warm, expected temperature of 12-17 degrees, it will be cloudy. During the day, we will get 17-22 degrees of heat.

“This is how we will end September,” said V. Sakalauskas.

The forecast for October is optimistic

According to him, the forecast for October is optimistic – this month is predicted to be slightly warmer than usual. The forecaster did not rule out that we may see record temperatures in October as well, but the precipitation will probably be as much as is usual for this time of year.

“So, October looks quite good. But after the burst of summer weather at the end of September, the first days of October will almost resemble autumn, because on October 1 and 2, at night in some places, and during the day in many areas, the wind will be felt, especially near the sea, where wind gusts will occasionally reach 15-17 meters per second,” he said.

According to the forecaster, frosts are not expected yet, at night it will be 7-12 degrees, during the day the temperature will be 14-19, 15-20 degrees.

“We see that the days will be cooler, not as they were,” the forecaster emphasized.

Watch the entire LNK News interview with forecaster V. Sakalauskas here:

Aynura Imranova

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