
Sources: The Seimas collected signatures for a parliamentary inquiry into the speaker’s history

However, so far neither V. Bakas nor the National Security and Defense Committee of the Seimas (NSGK) chairman Laurynas Kasčiūnas did not officially confirm this information.

As the statute of the Seimas provides, the temporary parliamentary investigation commission needs the support of at least a quarter of the members of the Seimas – at least 36 signatures to initiate.

ELTA reminds that the debate on the possible investigation in the parliament arose after the appearance of journalists Dovydas Pancerov and Birutė Davidonytė for the bookSpeaker and President“, in which it is revealed VSD possibly illegal collection of data on private individuals during the presidential election campaign. A lot of attention is also paid to the election campaign and the presidential period of Gitanas Nausėda, the then candidate for the post of the country’s leader.

However, despite the attention to history and the questions prepared by the ruling party for both the VSD and the president and the Central Election Commission (CEC), until now the parliamentary investigation was not started.

In addition, this week V. Bakas confirmed that he had prepared a draft resolution on the establishment of a temporary commission of inquiry.

At that time, on Wednesday, NSGK considered that a parliamentary commission could take up the investigation, but the issues of VSD activities should be investigated by the Intelligence Controller.

The VSD management strictly rejects the public accusations that the intelligence gathered information illegally. Head of department Darius Jauniškis insists that intelligence officials have been interested in the backgrounds of all presidential candidates in the pre-election period, which he says is standard practice.

Aynura Imranova

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