
Candidates nominated by TS-LKD branches must decide on participation in the presidential elections by October 4.

“The presidium of the party has decided that we will wait until October 4 to make decisions about participation in order to become the party’s candidate in the presidential elections.” at 5 p.m.,” M. Prievelis said to Eltai.

He noted that after the decision of the partisans on participating in the elections for the candidate supported by the party, their readiness to take the position of president will be assessed.

“After presenting the conclusions of the party supervisory committees, the presidium will make a decision on the final list of candidates. And then (…) the election campaign will take place. The elections are scheduled for November 11-12,” the conservative emphasized.

According to M. Prievelis, not only TS-LKD members, but also persons who support the party’s policy and do not belong to other political forces will be able to participate in the party’s internal elections.

“If one of the candidates collects more than 50% votes, he will be considered elected. If it happens that none of the candidates collects more than half of the votes, then the two candidates with the most votes enter the second round, which will take place a week later, on November 18-19,” said M. Prievelis.

ELTA reminds that according to the party’s data presented to the public last week, the vast majority of TS-LKD party branches suggest that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyta, Party Chairman Gabrielis Landsbergiis and Minister of Social Security and Labor Monika Navickieni participate in the presidential elections.

In addition to I. Šimonytė, G. Landsbergis and M. Navickienė, more than half of the party’s departments propose the chairman of the Seimas National Security and Defense Committee (NSGK) Laurynas Kasčiūnas, the Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas, and the Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Pauliis Saudargas to run in the presidential elections.

The 18th TS-LKD branch was also nominated by former president Dalia Grybauskaitė, who does not belong to the party.
On Friday, the leader of the party, Gabrielius Landsbergis, announced that he will not participate in the elections for the post of the country’s leader.

Aynura Imranova

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